Buddha was a religious innovator Assess this view. I will be discussing whether Buddha was indeed a religious innovator, the ideas he has taken from other religions and entirely original, new concepts he created.

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Tom Walker 12N

 ‘Buddha was a religious innovator’ Assess this view.

In my opinion, Buddha was a religious innovator- since he went against all other prominent religious beliefs of the time in declaring that there was no soul- no permanent self (anatta). I will be discussing whether Buddha was indeed a religious innovator, the ideas he has taken from other religions and entirely original, new concepts he created.

He disagreed with many other popular religious practices, for example sacrifices- around which the Vedic religion (which was popular around Buddha’s time) revolved.  He did so for many reasons, the main being Buddhists don’t believe in a God- no God would mean sacrificing an animal would be wasteful and pointless. Another reason he disagreed with this would be that hurting the animal would be against the eightfold path since harming the animal unnecessarily would not be a ‘right action’ it would also be an example of not showing the ‘right mindfulness’ since if we were aware of the animal’s pain and suffering then we wouldn’t be sacrificing the animal. Many Buddhists choose to be vegetarian as hurting animals creates bad karma due to the above.

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Buddha’s main difference in opinion to ideas of the time would be that the Buddhist Dharma (or teaching) says that we have no soul or ‘no permanent self,’ this is called Anatta. Buddhists believe that because we are made up of five Skandhas- (Form, sensations, perceptions, mental formation and consciousness) that are constantly changing, we have no permanent self.  Buddhism was the first religion to say that we have no soul. The Jains and Shramanas (both prominent religions of Buddha’s time) both taught that the atman (or soul) is reincarnated time after time until Moksha, where the soul returns to ...

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