A priori, A posteriori, which is better?

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A priori, A posteriori, which is better?

 I am writing to analyse which of these arguments is better. I will analyse the strengths and weaknesses of both and come to a final conclusion.

  A posteriori arguments are based on experience, an example of this is ‘There is a football in my garden’. The statement ‘There is a football in my garden’ is synthetic, this is a statement which requires empirical verification. This argument is dependent on empirical verification. Empirical verification is a conclusion reached by using our sense. I can see the football using my eyes, I can feel the football using my hands so on and so fourth. The way we come to a conclusion with a posteriori arguments is using inductive reasoning. Inductive arguments never prove their conclusions just make you understand there probability. Inductive arguments also does not necessarily follow the premises.  

  The strength of this argument is that anyone can go outside into my garden and test it themselves, it’s universally acceptable. This means that any flaw in my argument is to do with my observations. I could have mistaken the football for a tennis ball, I could be mistaken about where I am due to delirium or anything else that would impact my senses stopping them functioning properly. This is a problem with a posteriori arguments, our experiences may not be accurate.

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  Another strength of the a posteriori argument is that it isn’t based on a definition, you may argue that a definition is more exact and specific but then I would argue back that definitions are questionable and could be disagreed with. Also arguments based on definition also assume that everyone agrees on the definition, an argument say across languages would then be difficult on definition but if it was based on experience it would be universally accepted.

  A posteriori arguments also allow for various conclusions, the problem with this is that you cannot arrive at a certain ...

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