All ideas are derived from sense experience which they copy Discuss:

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“All ideas are derived from sense experience which they copy” Discuss:

An empiricist would believe that all ideas are derived from sense experience, and that we are all born with a “tabula rasa” or “blank slate”, meaning we are born without any innate ideas or knowledge. On the other hand rationalists believe that our minds are not a tabula rasa or a blank slate, but we are actually born with innate knowledge. In this fierce battle between empiricism and rationalism, philosopher David Hume backs the empiricist’s side and the statement in the title is describing Hume’s empiricist theory of ideas.

Hume’s empiricist theory of ideas suggests that all of our ideas come from impressions. Impressions are experiences we acquire through our sense, for example if I saw a table, then I would gain an impression of the table simply through my sense of sight. However, Hume believes that all our ideas are fainter versions of our impressions. I would be unable to see a table in my mind, as vividly as I would in real life. Hume also believed that there are different forms of ideas, some are simple, and some are complex. One example of simple idea would be feeling the coldness of ice. It is an idea that cannot be broken down into any simpler ideas. On the other hand, an example of a complex impression would be the idea of a unicorn. This idea can be broken down into many things, but mainly the idea of a horse and a horn. A horse and a horn are something we have experienced with our sense, and we formulate the idea of a horse with a horn on its head (unicorn) in our minds, using the two impressions.

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One of Hume’s arguments for all ideas being derived from sense experience is the concept of a child’s acquisition of ideas. If a child were to be told about snow, they could form the idea of snow in their mind by combining the idea of the colour white and the coldness of white, forming the concept of snow. A child is never born just knowing what snow is, they formulate different ideas in their mind, by ‘combining, separating, augmenting and diminishing’ various impressions. Furthermore, people who lack certain senses, for example a blind person, lack all the ideas corresponding to ...

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