An analysis of a film that does more than just entertain its audience: Blade runner

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An analysis of a film that does more than just entertain its audience: Blade runner

Blade Runner, directed by Ridley Scott and based on Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, is a Sci-fi slash Noir film about a policeman named Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) in a decrepit 2019 Los Angeles whose job it is to "retire" four genetically engineered cyborgs, known as "Replicants". The four fugitives, Pris (Daryl Hannah), Zhora (Joanna Cassidy), Leon (Brian James), and their leader, Roy Batty (Rutger Hauer), have escaped from an off-world colony in order to find their creator and bully him into expanding their pre-determined four-year life span. This film originally flopped when it came out in 1982, but since has become a widely acclaimed cult classic with a director's cut to boot. A large part of the success that this movie has received can be attributed to its ability to operate on many different levels.

Blade Runner focuses around the adventures of Rick Deckard, a bounty hunter, whose prey are the replicants, androids who are virtually indistinguishable from humans. The story is set in downtown Los Angeles, in the year 2019. This is a post nuclear holocaust world, where the sun is darkened by the fallout and acid rain continually falls. Six replicants of the Nexus 6 generation, the most advanced, have escaped from their off-world colony, where they were being used as slave labor. The leader of the replicants, Roy Batty, is on a mission to find more life for himself and the others, for they only have a four year life span and are on the verge of death. Roy is a military style replicant, so he has killed many people in inter-galactic wars and continues to kill as he searches for life. Deckard is on a mission to find all of these replicants and in the terms used by the police and the giant Tyrell Corporation that made them, "retire" the replicants.
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The film itself is regarded by most to be a very entertaining film, due to a number of different factors. Firstly the film is set in the 2019, giving people a fascinating insight into the future. However the unusual thing about the future is the dystopian outlook, which is not the habitual preconception we most have. The special effects and fight scenes did much to increase the entertainment level of the film. But most of all the aspect of the film that entertains the audience the most is the presence of Harrison Ford, who still is to this ...

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