Critically assess the claim that people are free to make their own moral decisions

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Critically assess the claim that people are ‘free’ to make their own moral decisions

In this essay I will discuss the free will and determinism and the extent to which this is believable. I will look at the differing opinions between libertarianism, hard determinism and the contrast to soft determinism and compatibilism. I will then look at the influences on free will and determinism and Locke and Sartre’s responses.

There are many things that could influence our choice and therefore affect our freedom of choice. For example, psychology, social conditioning and genetics. Psychology seeks to understand how our mind works and how it influences our behaviour and actions. The theory behaviourism suggests that our behaviour can be predicted based on prior experiences and causes. JB Watson believed we live in a deterministic universe that doesn’t leave anything to choice. In regards to the nature V nurture debate Watson states that heredity (nature) and environment (nurture) are useful tools to change and reinforce forms of behaviour. Such as, if a drug addict lives in an area where there is a lot of drug use, if you change the environment, you’re then changing the addictive behaviour. BF Skinner believed that behaviour is something that could be modified dependent on rewards or punishments. However he did argue that our actions were predetermined due to the fact scientists are able to modify and control human behaviour. Similarly Freud believed actions were pre-determined from as early as childhood. He felt strongly that early childhood has a huge impact on our futures. Freud’s theory suggests that prior causes determine our moral development and therefore actions in the future. He stated that all our actions, moral or non-moral and causes by repressed memories from our childhoods and these are what determine our actions in later life.

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Social conditioning suggests that people think and act in line with their social conditioning rather than through being genetically determined or real freedom of choice. This would mean human action must have a distinct social cause and all our actions are because of something within society. Thomas Sowell said “social conditioning is the idea that human self is infinitely plastic, this allows humanity to be changed and moulded and becoming ultimately perfected.” Our actions would be determined by upbringing, education, friends and whatever social setting we were in. This theory suggests that our social learning and placement determine our actions ...

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