Definition of Mysticism. It is impossible to accept mystical experiences because of the lack of evidence - Evaluate this view

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Mysticism Essay  


  1. Explain what is meant by the term “Mysticism”, giving appropriate examples to illustrate your answer

  1. “It is impossible to accept mystical experiences because of the lack of evidence” - Evaluate this view

a) Mysticism simply refers to the spirituality of the direct experience of God, with those who claim to have had mystical experiences to be at one with the transcendent God, not distinct but intertwined and received directly, with voices or visions being shown to them. The word “Mystic” itself derives from the greek word meaning “close”, of which Dr. Margaret Smith believes is significantly connected to mysticism, stating that it implies secrecy and the closing of the mind to earthly distractions in receiving the divine knowledge. Christianity and mysticism is all about the transforming union between man and God, as Jesus proclaimed “I and the father are one”, the christian mystic is to become at one with Christ. These are the core ideas behind mysticism and mystical experiences, the oneness and wholly with God sense, opposing the more singular “numinous” experiences which revolves around the sense of being in the presence of a great and awesome power, yet remaining distinctly separate from it.

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William James, a twentieth century American philosopher who played a huge part in the breakdown and psychology of religion, attempted to devise mysticism into four basic features he noticed that were consistent; “Ineffability”, in which the individual isn’t able to describe his experience in words. “Noetic Quality”, revelations brought through by the authoritative and absolute and not in the way we learn about the physical world, and carry a sense of authority afterwards. “Transient”, where the mystical states cannot be sustained for long, but the effects do however last a lot longer. And finally, “Passivity”, in which the individual ...

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