Examine and comment on a philosophical approach to the moral and religious issues raised by the practice of abortion.

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Examine and comment on a philosophical approach to the moral and religious issues raised by the practice of abortion.

Abortion is a highly controversial topics, everyone has an opinion on it, whether you are pro life, pro-choice, or even Judis Jarvis Thompson. Abortion is very controversial because opinions are changed some women value there career more than having a child or they feel sex is more enjoyment rather than passing on the family genes, but there are still people that feel that a foetus is a potential life and killing it is just the same as murder therefore having an abortion is the same as murder.

If we look at the moral views towards abortion you have two different very different end of the scale one being pro life where life is valued and then you have pro choice where the women's decision is valued for whatever reason she chooses to have an abortion.

If we look at pro life views we know that they are opposed to the deliberate ending of any innocent's life from the first moment of its existence, conception. It is scientifically established that from the moment of conception when a single-cell embryo is created, a new human being and or organism exists, a potential life has been created. To terminate the life of this individual is fundamentally unjust and discriminatory. To deprive an entity of his/her life on the basis of qualities such as size or level of development is to contend that it is these qualities which give the entity the right to life. Pro life believers take the position that every human being has an inherent right to life by virtue of being human: no-one has the right deliberately to bring about the death of an innocent human being. If you where to kill a child if would be considered murder they believe that killing a foetus is the exact same thing as a foetus is just the begging of a child if you say that it is only a potential life then you can say that a child is only a potential adult you don't know if its going to survive so there is no point of bringing it up as a child would rely on you just as much as foetus relies on the human being.
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Eugenics is also another part of abortion; eugenics is the practice of aborting babies with a disability. Statistically in 2003 out of a total of 190,660 abortions performed in England and Wales, 1,941 were for suspected handicap. Pro life believe that every life is valuable whether or not the child has a disability, they also believe that we are sending a terrible message out to our children if people go around exterminating pre born babies as 'sub standard'. They also argue that if this practice is also ethical and just then why do we see any right in ...

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