Explain the Cosmological Argument for the existence of God, according to Aquinas

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Heather Amos

Explain Aquinas’ argument for the existence of God based on the apparent beginning of the Universe. Also, explain and evaluate the extent to what is important for religious believers to challenge the idea that the universe came into existence by chance.

In the 13th Century, Thomas Aquinas wrote in his book “Summa Theologiae” about Quinque viae or five ways he could prove God’s existence using aposteriori proof. We sense that the universe exists and we, as inquisitive and intelligent beings, demand an explanation for why the universe is there. This can be a scientific explanation which modern scientists like Steven Hawking and this Big Bang theory would suggest is how the universe came into existence and the philosophical one like the Cosmological Argument, the steady state theory or Hume’s infinite regress theory. Aquinas, this Christian theological medieval scholar also provided the basis of Catholicism and used Aristotelian views of causation to create the Cosmological Argument- the first three ways written about in his book. Aquinas looked for a cause in the sense of a causal agent exercising active power and he argues that what God causes is the existing of things in their natures. The word ‘cosmological’ or ‘cosmology’ is the science of the universe as a whole; a treatise on the structure and parts of the system of creation. ‘Cosmo’ meaning universe and ‘logical’ meaning according to logic, reasoning correctly; following necessarily from facts or events shows that the cosmological argument is based on factual existence of the universe that requires an explanation. From the idea of form and matter, Aristotle defined causality: his ideas were that everything has a cause and purpose therefore a cause has an efficient cause, followed by another efficient cause which is repeated until the purpose or goal arose, this is known as the final cause. This principle is the 2nd way in Aquinas’ cosmological argument. Aquinas added to this and wrote that to start this cause and effect chain of events there first must be a first cause, which is mentioned in the three ways of the cosmological argument. This first cause could be considered as the big bang theory; theists and religious believers would think this first cause to be a personal God.

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The theological explanation for how the universe came to be in existence would be Creation and to Christians Genesis is the creation story they refer to. Aquinas bases his cosmological argument on Aristotle’s causality and welds it to his belief in a Creator, the being that caused creation. The first of the ways of the cosmological argument is Motion or Progression, the idea that we all experience with our senses motion which has a previous cause for a prior unmoved mover. The principle of movement must never change because otherwise everything would cease and stop. This similar to the scientific ...

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