God is responsible for everything that happens in the Universe. Discuss.

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Perlie Mong

‘God is responsible for everything that happens in the Universe.’ Discuss.

Christians believe that God is the Creator of the Universe. He is the one who brings the Universe into existence; in the same way a car designer brings a car into existence. This is why some people believe that God is responsible for everything that happens in the Universe, both good and evil, in the same way that a car designer should be held accountable for the merits and faults of the car. Obviously Christians have no problem in believing that God is responsible for all the good things that happen in the Universe, as God is regarded as source of all goodness, as written in James 1:17 “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from God our Father.” However, whether God should be responsible for bad things that happen in Universe is open to debate.

Some people hold the view that God should be responsible for everything that happens within the Universe because in the Bible, God is depicted as a skilled craftsman who clearly knows exactly what he wants to create. Everything in the Universe, both good and bad, is therefore a part of God’s plan, as written in Isaiah 45:7 “I form the light and create darkness; I bring prosperity and create disasters. I the Lord do all these things.” They also believe that if God is omnipotent and omniscient, then he must be responsible for everything that happens within the Universe. This is because the fact that he is omniscient proves that he knows everything that is happening and because he is omnipotent at the same time, he also has power over everything. Therefore God is responsible for the bad things that happen, since he knows they are happening and has the power to stop it but chooses not to do so. Moreover, since God is regarded as the Sustainer of the Universe, nothing could have existed/ happened without him willing it. Natural disasters, therefore, could not have happened if God does not intend for them to happen. If God intends for natural disasters to happen, them he must be responsible for the human suffering that are caused by the natural disasters.

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Other people see it differently. They believe that God cannot be blamed for human suffering as often it was humans’ own choices that led to their suffering. Earthquakes are natural occurrences and they only affect people who live in earthquake zones and if people voluntarily choose to live there, God cannot be responsible for their suffering from the impacts of earthquakes. It is just like a car designer cannot be blamed if someone stands in the way of a moving car and gets injured as a result.

The idea of choice also links to the Free Will ...

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