Hick gives the best solution to the mind-body problem. His theory is both scientific and theological in his approach. Discuss.

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Megan Humphries

Hick gives the best solution to the mind-body problem. His theory is both scientific and theological in his approach. Discuss.

John Hick is a materialist, he believes that the body and the soul are one and at death the body and soul both die. Hick aims to show that the concept of life after death doesn’t depend on human beings having souls in the way Plato and other thinkers believed. He believes that even though the death of our body is the death of the person, there is no separate soul to live on and he argues that this doesn’t rule out the possibility of our existence after death.

Although Hick believes that the body and soul both die, he also says that it could be possible for the dead to exist after death as the same person if an exact replica of them were to appear. He says that this replica could then be identified as being the same person who had died and therefore Hick said they are same person.

Hick argued that if God is all powerful then it would be no problem for God to be able to create a replica of the person when they reach heaven. He said that this replica should have all the individuals’ memories of their past life, as well as their characteristics meaning that the replica would be the same person.

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John Hicks replica theory shows that not all materialists accept that death is the end and believe that there is a life after death. As the physical body can’t be separated from the soul (mind), there is only one way this could happen and this is if the body continues on after death. Therefore this would have to involve the resurrection of the body. However this then raises the question of how the resurrection of the body could take place if the body has decayed or been cremated. For materialists the resurrected person must be recognisable as how she or ...

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