How can we know, if at all, that our behavior is ethical?

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How can we know, if at all, that our behavior is ethical?

Syamala Kalyanasundaram

Ethics and morality are strongly debated topics in the world today. Peoples ethical and moral behavior is constantly questioned and people often constantly question their own ethical behavior. The most relevant dictionary definition of ethics is ‘A set of principles of right conduct’. The 2 most relevant  dictionary definitions of morality are ‘The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct’ and ‘A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct’. For an action to be considered ethical, it should have 4 main characteristics. You must believe your action is right and be prepared to justify it as such, the interests of someone other than yourself must be involved, you must act of your own free will and your action must be deliberate. Its very important that the interests of people other than yourself are considered because you are not responsible and you do not have the right to inflict consequences of your own decision on others, if it affects them negatively.

There are a few different ways of ‘knowing’ (in this situation, to know if our behavior is ethical) and those different ways are personal, impersonal and instinctive. Ethics deals with all of them. Personal knowledge includes conviction (belief/faith), practice, introspection, and empathy. Impersonal knowledge is knowledge by description, logical, authoritative, empirical and memory. Instinctive knowledge is knowledge where your subconscious and instinct make you aware of what it is. Personal knowledge in ethics is very important in terms of conviction and religion. Impersonal knowledge is also very important as logic is a systematic, correct way of knowing, empirical evidence is justification by your senses, memory is a reliable source of justification and authority is what will judge your decisions.

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I will go on to talk about ethics in real situations which affect us and our world, I will talk about 5 different kinds, Bioethics, Personal Ethics, Social justice and Equal Opportunity, Business Ethics and Environmental Ethics.

Bioethics means ‘life ethics’ but the term is usually related to ethical issues and practices in the life sciences e.g. medicine. Some of the most ethically controversial issues in the world today come from this field such as abortion and euthanasia. There are 2 main branches of bioethics, and those are clinical ethics and health care policy. Clinical ethics deals with ...

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