Is free will compatible with determinism?

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Is free will compatible with determinism?

        Free will is the ability to do what one wants without being constrained in any way i.e. being able to think, speak and act without any external impediments. E.g. if I wanted to get up and open a door and I was able to do so without any physical constraints or the act having been imposed on me by anyone else then I can be said to have acted out of free will.

        Determinism is the idea that at a certain point in time and the laws of nature remaining constant that there is only one possible way the world can be later on. Determinism is based on general view that the world works based on ‘cause and effect’ i.e. everything has a cause.

        Determinism would seem to effect everyone and everything, it would seem that our current situation in life is based on causes that we have had no control over and even deeper still, that the decisions we make and the things we do are based on influences on our behaviour; the influences themselves ranging from our upbringing and social position to the smallest of factors e.g. what we read, eat, see, feel etc. Thus overall our lives have in fact been determined by these external forces and have no control them.

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        Thus it would seem that overall, we are unable to freely choose for ourselves and thus we have no choice in what we decide to do as it has determined by previous effects over which we have no control. The easiest way to visualise such a predicament is to use the idea of forks.

        We can visualise a point in our life when in life we come to a choice as a single line which then branches out into a number of forks, however with determinism it would seem that there is only ever one single line as the choice ...

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