Chapter 7 – Self Notes

The Rise of Islam

        •Arabs were a Semitic-speaking people

        •Bedouins – nomadic peoples from the northern part of the peninsula

        •Organized into tribes and ruled by a Sheikh

        •Majlis - council of elders who selected the Sheikh

        •Were polytheistic; supreme god known as Allah

        •No priesthood; Allah symbolized by a sacred stone

        •All worshiped a massive black meteorite enshrined in the Ka’aba in                   Mecca

The Role of Muhammad (570-632)

        •Born to a merchant family but orphaned at age six

        •Grew up to be a caravan manager

        •Married his employer, Khadija

        •Disturbed about the gap between the Bedouin values and the culture                   of the affluent commercial elites

        •During meditation experiences visions and heard a voice

        •The angel Gabriel commanded Muhammad to preach the revelations                   that he would be given

        •Hegira (Hijrah), 622, Muhammad’ s flight from Mecca to Yathrib                   (Medina)

        •Forms the first Muslim community (the Umma)

        •Returns to Mecca with an army and conquers it

        •Visit to the Ka’aba, 630

        •Declared it a sacred shrine and ordered the destruction of the idols                   of the traditional faith

Teachings of Muhammad

        •Monotheistic; offers afterlife

        •Koran (recitation)

        ~Five Pillars of Faith

                •Belief in Allah and Muhammad as his Prophet

                •Prayer five times a day and public prayer on Friday at noon

                •Observance of Ramadan, fasting from dawn to sunset

                •Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)

                •Giving alms to the poor (zakat)

        •Not just a set of beliefs, but a way of life

        •Ulama (Muslim scholars)

        •Shari’ah (law code)

        •Hadith (collection of saying from the Prophet)

        •Strict behavioral requirements

The Arab Empire and Its Successors

        •Abu Bakr, Muhammad’ s father-in-law succeeds Muhammad

        •Creation of an Empire

        •After Arabs united, jihad directed at neighboring peoples

        •Possible explanations for rapid expansion

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        •Prolonged drought on the Arabian peninsula

        •Desire of Islam ’s leaders to channel the energies of their new


        •Planned by the ruling elites of Mecca to extend their trade routes                   and bring surplus-producing regions under their control

        •Administration was generally tolerant

Succession Problems and the Rise of The Umayyads (661-750)

        •Challenge to Abu Bakr’s selection as first caliph

        •Umar succeeded Abu Bakr

        •Uthman succeeded Umar in 656, but was assassinated

        •Muhammad Ali (656 -661), assassinated in 661

        •Mu’awiyah became caliph in 661

        •Made his own family, the Umayyads, hereditary rulers

        •Beginning of the eighth century new attacks launched ...

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