"It is essential for Hinduism to reform but the most important issue was the nature of the reformation" Discuss this claim with reference to the activities and teachings of A) Ramakrishna and B) Daynanda Sarasvati.

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It is essential for Hinduism to reform but the most important issue was the nature of the reformation” Discuss this claim with reference to the activities and teachings of A) Ramakrishna and B) Daynanda Sarasvati

At a time where India was facing social, economical and political reform it was absolutely vital that Hindu religion and culture developed in a way that would not only preserve Hinduism but also withstand foreign religious and social criticism. Reform at this stage was inevitable but more important was the nature of this reform. The key aim was to enhance and preserve the development of Hinduism and so different people reacted to this in different ways depending on their faith and key ideas.

Ramakrishna focused on spiritual development and allowed a liberal view of God.

One main theme that was reinforced by Ramakrishna was his desire to “see in God in all”. Ramakrishna believed that true self-realisation only came when everything was transformed into a manifestation of God. “I have now come to a stage of realization in which I see that God is walking in every human form and manifesting Himself alike through the sage and the sinner. God in the form of the saint, God in the form of the sinner, God in the form of the righteous, God in the form of the unrighteous.” For Ramakrishna all the religion led to the same destination. This has become one of the modern principles of Hinduism today. Ideas such as these have allowed Hinduism to stand the test of time and allow many different ways of thinking to be absorbed into Hinduism and therefore survive the wave of western influence.

However Daynanda imposed a monotheistic belief in God and relied only on the Vedas as being truly authentic. Daynanda fiercely opposed any foreign influence unlike Ramakrishna who was more tolerant and absorbed external influences. “It is not good to feel one’s own religion is correct” claimed Ramakrishna is his response to Hinduism.

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Two key areas that both Ramakrishna and Daynanda significantly differed on were the use of idols. According to Klaus Klosterimeir Ramakrishna felt that images were also a manifestation of God. He particularly worshipped Kali as a divine avatar of the Mother Goddess and had many visions of her. For him the murti came to life through his dedication and sacrificial offerings. Daynanda felt that he was justified in worshipping idols since the Hindu epics and puranas are full of instances where many devas and human beings obtained favours from God after worshipping Him in a particular image. For example, ...

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