Jesus Did Not Intend For His Parables To Be Easily Understood - Discuss.

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                Megan Clark

Jesus did not intend his parables to be easily understood. Discuss.

We would assume that Jesus wanted his parables to be understood as after all, he was sent to be the saviour of all mankind. The problem is, there is strong textual evidence that Jesus tried not to be understood. Therefore, if the gospels are correct, then Jesus wanted to be misunderstood which is not very compatible with being the messiah.

All Jesus' parables, in one way or another, bore on a definite historical situation - the coming of God's kingdom in his ministry - and they were usually aimed at particular groups of his contemporaries. When you look at the gospels and their parables you need to have a open mind and consider things such as, what was it that Jesus really said? What did they mean for the evangelists? What purpose do they have for the gospel writers when writing their gospels and what do they mean to you? I believe that when NT Wright says, that "the function of the parable was to draw the hearer into the story and to challenge their own world view" that Jesus did not intend his parables to be easily understood. The idea to challenge shows that it is not easy to understand to begin with.

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There is no doubt that Jesus used parables as a way of teaching about the Kingdom of God and ways to gain entry into the Kingdom. The purpose of parables would have been to take an everyday situation and give it a religious spin, allowing people to take a message from it. The rabbis of Jesus' day used them as a common teaching device, so we can assume that Jesus' audience would have known how to solve them. However, Mark sees the parables as something else - for him they are 'riddles' to test whether a reader or listener has ...

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