Mills objection to the teleological argument is stronger than the objections of Hume. Discuss.

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‘Mill’s objection to the teleological argument is stronger than the objections of Hume’

The teleological argument (TA) stems from the word ‘telos’, which means ‘purpose’ or ‘end’. The TA is the idea that there must be a designer who designed the earth for a specific purpose. However, many people oppose the idea of a designer such as Hume and Mill.

J.S Mill is a strong critic of the design argument, however he does not say that the world could not have been designed, but evidence of this does not point towards the perfectly good biblical God. Mill see’s this through observing nature and the disorder of the universe. He uses the fact that living creatures inflict cruelty onto one another and that many animals are designed and live in inhumane ways. An example of this is the female digger wasp as used in an example by Dawkins. A female will lay her eggs in a caterpillar and purposefully sting her prey as to paralyse it but not kill it. Mill argues that this is proof that we do not live in a benevolent world designed by a moral God as a truly perfect God wouldn’t create creatures that seem to be purposefully designed to harm another species.

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However, the TA can begin to recover from this criticism as it can be argued that Mill’s understanding of disorder within the universe is blurred as he ignores the idea that it could be that the evil within this world is part of God’s greater plan. Many such as Aquinas agree and believe that God’s goodness is infinitely different to human goodness, and therefore it can be argued that God allows evil and suffering to exist as part of his greater plan of love. Mill’s criticism of the TA is weakened as there are alternate explanations for evil within nature ...

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