Explain One Ethical Theory which could be considered relativist.

Relativists believe that moral truth varies depending on culture, time, place and religion. Relativists believe that there’s no fixed objective morality-or if there is it can’t be discovered. J.L Mackie ‘there is no objective moral value.’different culture’s ethics are evidence against the existence of moral absolutes, and people participate in different ways of living, or codes.

Situation ethics is flexible and practical, therefore it could be considered a relativist theory It takes into account the complexities of human life, and can make tough decisions where, from a legalistic perspective all actions seem wrong. The situationist enters into the moral dilemma with ethics and rules and principles of his or her community or tradition. However, the situationist is prepared to set aside those rules in the situation if love seems better served by doing so. Situations ethics lets one change their values so it is relative to the situation, this fundamental rule makes Situation Ethics both teleological and relativist. Teleological theories are interested in the ‘end’. For a teleological thinker the end justifies the means. You decide the rightness of an action by the end it produces. A choice that results in a good end is morally better than one that results in a bad end. Joseph Fletcher’s view on laws was that there are no absolutist values or laws. The exception being the law of Agape, the law of love.

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Situation ethics is seen by most ethical scholars to be the middle ground between legalism and antinomian relativism. Fletcher also put forward the idea that Jesus was a situationist, rather than most thought, an absolutist. Traditional Christian thinkers rejected situation ethics. In 1952, Pope Pius XII called situation ethics ‘an individualistic and subjective appeal to the concrete circumstances of actions to justify decisions in opposition to the natural law or God’s revealed will’. The Roman Catholic Church teaches St Aquina’s natural law approach, and views

situation ethics as a subjective and individualistic moral approach.

Situation Ethics is ...

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