Religion- Good or Evil?

Authors Avatar by sophie215 (student)

Religion can be seen as a force for good as it inspires and influences those that have faith to do things to help others. Many Christians are encouraged by their beliefs to take part in charity work and often go as far as to travel around the world to the least developed countries in order to help people. There wouldn’t be as much help for those suffering and in need if religion did not exist in the world as it acts as a form of motivation for many people. Religion also allows those who are suffering to have hope and faith in either things improving for them or even that eventually when their suffering on earth is over that they will reach a better place. Christianity shows people that are believers or not the evidence of good morals and teachings throughout the religion and the bible. Examples of these are many of the Ten Commandments and also examples set by Jesus in the bible that teaches people to love each other and give each other respect. Their faith in life after death and the belief in the idea of judgement mean that many Christians try to help and act morally throughout their life in order to reach heaven. This is shown in the statistics that religious people are almost 25 per cent more likely to give money/time to charities then secular people. Religion can help stop people committing evil as people that grow up in a religious house hold live in strong communities and support this aids people through their life, if people have support through difficult parts of their life they will as a result most likely be contented as they get older which would prevent them feeling the need to do evil. Religion, even without proof, offers those that find faith and believe in it an idea of the answers to life such as what is our purpose and why we are here. While certain member of a religion may be driven to do evil does that truly make the religion or the majority of followers’ evil too?

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However religion can be displayed as being a force of evil as it is based on belief and independent interpretation of each believer and their views. This means that it is easy for people to twist the religion in order for it to fit exactly what they want, this then means that it can be changed to make what is evil seem acceptable to them within  their faith. Many people believe that religion encourages and enables evil and use the examples of the past for this such as the Crusades. Whilst many religions hold similarities there are also many differences ...

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