Self-interest plays no part in genuine morality

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Self-interest plays no part in genuine morality

We all have different views about whether self-interest plays part in morality or not. Kant for instance believed that an act is not moral if it is motivated by self-interest. Morality should be a form of altruism. The psychological egoism claims that the only possible form of motivation is self-interest with no concern of altruism, so every act is just to ‘satisfy’ ourselves, which is also not seen as a negative feature. If self-interest has nothing to do with morality then why are we moral and if our self-interest is the only source of motivation, are we moral at all?

Kant claims that being moral is rational and if we act considering our self-interest, it is immoral, because reason should make us take an impartial point of view, overruling our self-interest and emotion. For instance people are tired but they all have to get up and go to work. The bodily desires are clashing with our duty and in this case our reason tells us to do the right thing. We also have to be the ‘man of good will’, which means to do our duty and the “good” does not necessarily mean the word ‘good’ used in everyday language. A good will is a ‘motivated’ will to achieve our end in a moral way, but even if the results are not necessarily good for everyone the good will is good in itself. Kant also says that it is our duty to be moral. We can know what is moral by the categorical imperatives. “I ought never to act except in such way that I can also will that my maxim should become a universal law”. A maxim means ground rule or principle. So I treat everyone as I would like to be treated by them. His second principle is telling us to not treat people as means to an end. That means that we should not use anyone as our means to an end. Means is the way to the end which is our aim, for example I am thirsty and I would like to drink. Now there are at least 2 ways to use someone as a means to my end which is drinking. The first is I see that someone has water and I can just tell him that I am thirsty and take his water. The other possibility is, telling him to bring me water. This is how we should not treat others. The 3rd principle says: act as if you live in a kingdom of ends. This means that our maxims are significant in our life, society – the way we treat people and our environment, should be a good example and universal law which everyone follows. I do not leave my rubbish on the ground; I do not lie because what if everyone did so?
This argument is slightly convincing, but what if I WANT to be moral, I believe even the “good will” is a will, which means something that I want, so it is in my self-interest to be moral.

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Plato says we act morally in order to achieve ‘psychic harmony’ in our minds. Acting immorally creates mental conflict between what we want to do and what we think it would be best thing to do, therefore we can know that our soul has a ‘desiring’ and a ‘rational’ part. We feel much better without these conflicts and worries. The only possible way to achieve happiness and peace in the mind is through reason. Desires never know what is good for our future. A happy soul is happy to accept the rule of reason and to restrict desires, which just ...

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