Carmen Barlow        Essay 2

                                         Should We Have The Right To Die?


  Most of us assume that every human being born into this world has a "right to life," then it logically follows that every human being has a right to end their life (or a "right to die"). Because death is a part of life, a person's right to life logically assumes a right to not have that life. This is a huge controversial argument in which no right or wrong answer has been found and possibly never will be. Every living person in society has their own individual opinion and situation on life and because of this, society as whole may never be able to come to a stable agreement about humans having the right to die if they so wish.  

  When we say people having the right to die, we mean if they have the right to use euthanasia as a way out of life. Euthanasia is the intentional killing of a person by an act or an omission for that person’s alleged benefit. For example if they are terminally ill and will never be able to recover, that person may believe that their quality of life is of low standard and therefore they may want to consider euthanasia as a way to end their life to stop the suffering for them and their family. Surely if they have lived their life and made all the decisions they have made then they should be able to choose if they want to die. It shouldn’t be the doctors or anybody else’s opinion. If we humans have autonomy then shouldn’t we able to make every decision that we come across?

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  Personally, I believe that we as humans have a lot of autonomy for things in life. I agree with what Thomas More has to say about euthanasia. He says that if a patient suffers a torturing and lingering pain and there is no hope of ease or recovery, they may choose to die rather than live in misery. It is offered to animals so it should be to humans as well. John Stuart Mill also offers a good point in his book ‘On Liberty’. In that it states that individuals should have free autonomy. We have control over our ...

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