Subjectivism as an Ethical Theory

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While ethical relativism comes in many shapes, its most individualistic expression is ethical subjectivism. It argues that the criteria for what is considered morally right or wrong is ‘the individual’s perceptions, opinions, experiences, inclinations, and desires.’

        Ethical subjectivism denies the existence of universal moral codes. It views ethics as being private, individual, and subjective in nature. The subjectivist treats morality like taste or aesthetic judgements and would typically say ‘morality, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder’ but its most descriptive statement might be ‘whatever a person thinks is right is right’

Ernest Hemmingway wrote ‘so far, about morals, I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after and judged by these moral standards, which I do not defend, the bullfight is very moral to me because I feel very fine while it is going on and have a feeling of life and death and immortality, and after it is over I feel very sad but very fine’ Basically, Hemmingway argued that if you accept that an action which has good consequences for you as good, then even if the action is deemed wrong by others, it is still a right action because you personally think it is good for you. Effectively, Hemmingway is arguing that morality depends on the feeling of the individual.

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        However, this does not allow any room for judgement or criticism from others and so moral subjectivism is said to have the sorry consequence that it make morality a useless concept, for, on its premises, little interpersonal criticism or judgement is logically possible.

        Subjectivism allows no argument at all on whether an action is right or wrong. Suppose John torturing a child repulses you. You cannot say that it wrong for John to torture people according to subjectivism, because John personally likes it. The only basis for judging him wrong is if he was a hypocrite who told others it ...

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