To What Extent Was Mohammad Ali Jinnah Responsible for The Foundation of Pakistan?

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Becky Clark

To What Extent Was Mohammad Ali Jinnah Responsible for The Foundation of Pakistan?

Pakistan was formed out of the northwest provinces of India which contained a majority of Muslim inhabitants and so became an independent Muslim state from Hindu India.  Muslims had found it increasingly difficult to become apart of India with the dominant Hindu community discriminating against them, and so a state like Pakistan was sought for the interests of the Muslim Community.  However, an ongoing question amongst historian considers who was responsible for the foundation of Pakistan and in particular, how responsible was the ‘Qaid e azam.’


Mohammad Ali Jinnah played a large role within Muslim politics, initially apart of

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The National India Congress and elected to the Imperial Legislative council.  However, perhaps most importantly, Jinnah became the President of the All India Muslim League after being a significant member for many years.  Furthermore, Jinnah attended Round Table conferences in England causing great influence within the British government.  Many suggest that Jinnah was the leader of the Pakistan movement spurring the Muslim community forward in search of equality and freedom and in essence creating such a movement and evidently the gain of a separate Muslim state.  Perhaps as a show of appreciation, Jinnah was elected as the first President of ...

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