Utilitarianism revision notes.

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"The Greatest Happiness for the Greatest Number of People"

Utilitarianism is a teleological theory of ethics, and so therefore is a consequentialist theory. Jeremy Bentham (1748 - 1832) began the idea of Utilitarianism, a way of working out how bad or good the consequence of an action would be. He wanted to develop an ethical theory which established whether an act was good or bad depending on its benefit for the majority.

The Principle Of Utility the usefulness of the results of actions - "the greatest good for the greatest number" good being pleasure or happiness. An act is right or wrong depending on how good or bad the result is. Since this theory is based on the greatest number it is quantitive.

Since good is defined as pleasure or happiness it means this is a hedonistic theory. This theory is based on the ancient idea of pursuing physical pleasure and avoiding physical pain. The most moral acts are the ones which maximise pleasure and minimise pain - Utilitarian Calculus

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"The principle of utility aims to promote happiness which is the supreme ethical value"

"An act is right if it delivers more pleasure than pain and wrong if it brings about more pain than pleasure"

Happiness = pleasure minus pain

It has 7 elements.

1 - the intensity of pleasure (how deep)

2 - the duration of the pleasure (how long)

3 - the certainty of the pleasure (how certain or uncertain)

4 - the remoteness of the pleasure (how near or far)

5 - the chance of succession of pleasures (how continuous)


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