Laith Sheena 10B


Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by artificial means, before the foetus is capable of independent life.  

The Bible contains no direct teaching on abortion as such.  The first mention of abortion is in an early Christian handbook dating from 100AD called the ‘Didache’.  This book teaches human life, being of the highest value and so completely condemns abortion, and likens the practice of abortion with murder, therefore completely condemning the act of abortion;

“Thou shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the infant already born”.  (The ‘fruit of the womb’ is referring to the embryo).

The Bible also teaches us that the period in the mother’s womb is very important, because this is seen as the time where the child and the mother can really bond;

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“For thou hast possessed my reins; thou hast covered me in my mothers womb”.

The above is found when Christians seek for advice about Abortion by looking at areas teaching about god creating life (‘Sanctity of life’).

The creation story in the ‘Genesis’ talks about God creating all things.  For example, the sixth commandment states that ‘thou shall not kill’ therefore by performing abortion one would be disobeying this commandment.  Psalm 139 talks about the unborn baby being known to God, and Psalm 127 states that children area gift from God.  All these references confirm the religious condemnation towards abortion.


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