What is meant by Meta Ethics? Meta ethics helps to establish what constitutes good or bad moral or ethical behaviour.

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Candice Burton

Religious Studies

What is meant by Meta Ethics?

Meta ethics helps to establish what constitutes good or bad moral or ethical behaviour. It examines what we mean when we talk about things that are good, bad, right, wrong, moral and immoral. Meta ethics is not trying to show something is wrong or right but only to examine the way in which the normative moral arguments have been presented. There are practically 4 theories to Meta ethics, each by separate scholars or philosophers.

    The first is by G.E. Moore and his theory of intuitionism. He is most famous for his theory of ‘good’ and was interested in making ethics a science. In his published work Principia Ethica he agued that that term goodness was indefinable because every individual’s definition of the term was different. The term can be identified what it was but not defined. Intuitionism is fundamental moral principles which cannot be proven but are recognised in cognitive thoughts.

     The second theory is that of A J Ayer and the term logical positivism. This was a term which could not be answered by moral philosophy but only by evidence.  It is to do with establishing how the truth or falsehood of certain prepositions can be demonstrated. If no evidence can be revealed then it is meaningless yet this can be argued with other theories. A part of logical positivism is analytical or logical terms which are those known by definition and look at both sides of the argument. The sentences used are often those which are tautological meaning they are just another way of saying things. Next are synthetic statements. These can only be verified by observation or examination which means facts have to be involved. Finding out the truth of the statement can only be established through further research and more information. Finally there are meaningless statements which unlike the term suggests are not meaningless but are statements which cannot be tested. These are often statements of opinion which cannot be proved or disproved therefore they do not say anything about moral ethics, but only show that of emotivism.

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    Emotivism is based on people’s emotive response to other people, events, situations, viewpoints and principles; this means they are interested in how people feel about a particular thing. The scholar of emotivism is C.L. Stevenson says that with emotivism even if the individual supports their perspective with statements for instance saying ‘abortion is wrong’ then the statement that god only has the right to give and take away life is still only finding reasons to back up their emotive response. Once all the arguments have been removed from the statement then all that is left is that individuals ...

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