With reference to other aspects of human experience, explore the view that Biblical teaching has relevance for any age. Justify your answer.

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With reference to other aspects of human experience, explore the view that Biblical teaching has relevance for any age. Justify your answer. (15)

Most Christians believe that the Bible has relevance for any moral age. There are many parts of the Bible that deal specifically with morals, such as the Decalogue, the Sermon on the Mount and the ethics of Paul. It speaks out on issues still relevant today, such as sexual immorality, divorce, stealing and murder. The depraved nature of humanity has not changed in the 2000 years since the Bible was written. Even if the Bible does not address a certain issue, there are still Biblical principles that apply. The Bible does not speak about abortion, but it does say, ‘do not murder.’ Even cybercrime such as piracy can be governed by Biblical principles: ‘Do not steal.’ Biblical morality centres on a love of God and our neighbours, which we should apply to any ethical dilemma.
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A notable holder of this view is Matthew Slick, who wrote, “for the Christian the Bible is the supreme authority that judges what is moral.” He asserted that if we remove the Bible from moral decision making, then our morality becomes subjective. This means our morals will not be universal and will be influenced by our culture, our past experience and societal laws. Christians know that murder is wrong because the Bible clearly tells them, but in certain societies such as Nazi Germany murder was considered moral. What basis does the atheist have to say that this was ...

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