With reference to relevant ethical theories, explain the arguments used to support developments in reproductive technology.

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With reference to relevant ethical theories, explain the arguments used to support developments in reproductive technology. [35]

Reproductive technologies such as in vitro fertilisation, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection have undoubtedly brought much joy to many people, and therefore many ethical systems support its development. A good place to start when considering the benefits of these technologies is the utilitarian view.

Utilitarians believe that man has a natural desire to reproduce based in human biology. Patrick Steptoe is quoted as stating that "It is a fact that there is a biological desire to reproduce". Likewise, Peter Singer, famous utilitarian writer, in his defence of IVF refers to the desire for a child as being a very basic desire. If there is such a desire then there does seem to be a strong argument in favour of developing techniques to overcome infertility. Such an argument might be based on the utilitarian principle of `maximising happiness'. This theory claims that where there is a moral choice to make the right thing to do is the action which is likely to produce the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. This theory starts with the happiness involved in a situation, takes into account the wider happiness of anyone else involved and takes the action that will produce this result of happiness. This theory looks at the consequences and takes the action that will bring about the desired results.
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The Utilitarian wishes to maximise happiness and minimise the pain of infertility. When considering issues such as infertility we must not look at it in impersonal, philosophical terms. It is a problem that can only be truly understood at human level. Those that have never suffered infertility will not know the true pain of being unable to conceive. Since successful IVF treatment will bring an enormous amount of happiness these theorists are in agreement with such treatments. In the case of an infertile couple the utilitarian will look at the options available and strive towards to goal of ...

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