A comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis

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A comparison of Meiosis and Mitosis

Meiosis has many similarities to mitosis. However, there are major differences that it is essential to note.

Mitosis produces two daughter cells genetically identical to the parent cell and to each other. Meiosis produces four haploid daughter cells which differ genetically not only from the parent cell but from each other.

Meiosis II is virtually identical in mechanism to mitosis, separating sister chromatids. Some errors are made in meiosis, which cause chromosomal abnormalities in the gametes and in diploid individuals resulting from those gametes. Mitosis helps in growth and body repair. Meiosis however, helps in sexual reproduction and regulation of chromosome number in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms. Meiosis cell division produces four offspring sex cells, each with its own unique, reshuffled selection of genes with only half the number of chromosomes - the haploid number. When two sex cells join during sexual reproduction, the two haploid sets form a full diploid set in the fertilized egg.

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Mitosis Occurs in somatic cells, whereas meiosis occurs in reproductive cells. Mitosis only has one nuclear division, so cytokinesis only occurs once, whereas meiosis has two, meiosis I and meiosis II, and therefore cytokinesis occurs once or twice. Since mitosis is very similar to Meiosis II, the differences mainly occur in Meiosis I. Mitosis involves the division of chromosomes, yet meiosis involves the separation of homologous chromosomes in M I and division of chromosomes in MII.

In mitosis the dividing cells are diploid or haploid, but in meiosis, they have to be diploid. Mitosis does not involve either the ...

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