A study of Osmosis in plant cells

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A study of Osmosis in plant cells


In my following investigation, I will be studying osmosis. Osmosis is the process whereby water molecules pass across a semi permeable membrane from a less concentrated solution in to a higher concentrated solution.

Because the holes in the membrane are very small, only small molecules can pass through them. For example, water is a small molecule, and sucrose is a big molecule, only the water can pass through the semi permeable membrane. When the two solutions either side of the membrane are of equal concentrations, the water does not stop moving through the membrane, there is just a net movement from each side.


If you have two solutions of different concentrations, the solution with the higher concentration is said to be hypertonic and the solution with the lower concentration is said to be hypotonic. When the concentrations of the two solutions are the same, it is said to be isotonic. The exact concentration of the solutions when they are isotonic is known as the isosmotic point.

If a semi-permeable membrane separates a hypotonic solution and a hypertonic solution, the water molecules will pass from the hypotonic to the hypertonic solution by the process of osmosis, turning it into an isotonic solution.

  Hypertonic Solution         Hypotonic Solution              Isotonic Solution

I will be conducting an experiment, to test how Osmosis works, on plant tissue.


I will be investigating how the length of plant tissue will change when I put it in different concentrations of a solution. For my experiment, the plant tissue will be represented by potato chips. My solution will be a sugar solution, which is made up of sugar (the solute) and water; adding more water (the solvent) will alter the concentration.

I believe that if I place a potato chip into a solution of lower concentration than the isosmotic point, the chip will grow in size and become turgid. This is because the chip has a higher concentration of sugar than in the solution, so by the process of osmosis the water will move from the sugar solution into the chip.

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I believe that if I place a potato chip into a solution of higher sugar concentration than the isosmotic point the chip will shrink and become flaccid. This is because the chip has a lower concentration of sugar than in the solution, so by the process of osmosis the water will move from the chip into the sugar solution.


I also believe that the more concentrated the solution is, the more the chip will shrink; and the more dilute the solution is, the more the chip will grow.

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