Affect of concentration of calcium ions on the coagulation of milk

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Affect of concentration of calcium ions on the coagulation of milk


Milk contains proteins, the majority of which being caseins; there are main types of casein molecules. Three of which readily precipitate with calcium. The fourth type of casein is kappa casein, which does not precipitate with calcium. Kappa casein keeps the other types of casein from coagulating, so the milk remains soluble. The rennin (enzyme) interacts with the kappa casein (substrate), breaking it down into para-kappa-casein (product). Now that the kappa casein has been broken down, the other casein molecules and new para-kappa-casein molecules precipitate with calcium, and milk, fat and some water combines forming a curd.


As the concentration of calcium ions is increased, the time taken for flecks of curd to appear will decrease; therefore the rate of the reaction will increase. In this investigation, the rate of the reaction refers to how long it takes for the product to be formed from the enzyme and substrate, and the product to react with calcium. This will happen because if there is a greater concentration of calcium ions, there will be more collisions between the para-kappa-casein, other casein molecules and calcium, meaning the curd will be formed more quickly.

Variables/control factors

In order to be a fair and scientifically valid investigation, various factors need to be controlled:

  • In this investigation, rennin is the enzyme and the protein casein is the substrate. Increasing the concentration of the enzyme also increases the rate of an enzyme and substrate reaction. This aim of this investigation is to find the affects of the calcium concentration on the rate of coagulation, so the enzyme concentration must remain constant throughout, so only the concentration of calcium ions affects the results.
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  • Temperature affects enzyme activity, so the temperature will also need to remain constant throughout the investigation.

  • The volumes of the milk, rennin, calcium chloride solution, sodium citrate solution will all remain constant.

The independent variable in this investigation will be the concentration of the calcium ions. By varying the concentration and analysing the results we can see if there is any link between the concentration of calcium ions and rate of coagulation.

The dependant variable in this investigation is the time taken for the milk to coagulate.

Risk assessment/safety

Potential hazards in this procedure ...

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