Affect of sucrose concentration on the rate of respiration.

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Biology coursework

Investigation- Affect of sucrose concentration on the rate of respiration.


Aim and Background information

The aim of this investigation is to find out how the affect of changing the sucrose concentration affects the rate of respiration of yeast. The reaction can be measured by the amount of carbon dioxide given of by yeast and ethanol is also produced as a result of the reaction.

Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is a unicellular fungus, which is frequently used in baking. The precise classification is a field that uses the characteristics of the cell, ascospore and colony. Physiological characteristics are also used to identify species. One of the better-known characteristics is the ability to ferment sugars for the production of ethanol. Budding yeasts are true fungi of the phylum Ascomycetes, class Hemiascomycetes. The true yeasts are separated into one main order Saccharomycetales. Yeasts multiply as single cells that divide by budding (eg Saccharomyces) or direct division (fission, eg. Schizosaccharomyces), or they may grow as simple irregular filaments (mycelium). In sexual reproduction most yeasts form asci, which contain up to eight haploid ascospores. These ascospores may fuse with adjoining nuclei and multiply through vegetative division or, as with certain yeasts, fuse with other ascospores. The awesome power of yeast genetics is partially due to the ability to quickly map a phenotype-producing gene to a region of the S. cerevisiae genome. For the past two decades S. cerevisiae has been the model system for much of molecular genetic research because the basic cellular mechanics of replication, recombination, cell division and metabolism are generally conserved between yeast and larger eukaryotes, including mammals.
The yeast's function in baking is to ferment sugars present in the flour or added to the dough. This fermentation gives off carbon dioxide and ethanol. The carbon dioxide is trapped within tiny bubbles and results in the dough expanding, or rising. Yeast are unicellular fungi that are versatile laboratory micro-organisms. They grow rapidly and have simple nutritional requirements. When yeast degrades nutrients in the absence of oxygen they use the process of glycolysis to produce energy in the form of ATP.

Below you can see a diagram of a yeast cell,


I predict that as the concentration of sucrose is increased the yeasts respiratory rate will also increase producing more carbon dioxide as a result. But this will only be true up to a certain point after that the level of carbon dioxide produced will begin to level off and gradually decrease. Below is a sketch graph interpreting my prediction and what my results may look like.


Explanation of prediction

My reason for the above prediction is that yeast is a unicellular fungus, which feeds saprophytically and can respire both aerobically and anaerobically. In the experiment the yeast will be respiring anaerobically and breaking down the glucose stored in it as a waste product of this process it will also form CO2 and alcohol in the form of ethanol. This respiration process is called fermentation. The yeast breaks down the glucose using a series of enzymes. I deduce from this that the more glucose that is present in the yeast the more will be broken down and therefore more CO2 and ethanol will be produced as waste products at a faster rate.
At lower concentrations, the active sites on most of the enzyme molecules are not filled because there is not much substrate. Higher concentrations cause more collisions between the molecules. With more molecules and collisions, enzymes are more likely to encounter molecules of reactant. The maximum velocity of a reaction is reached when the active sites are almost continuously filled. Increased substrate concentration after this point will not increase the rate. Reaction rate therefore increases as substrate concentration is increased but this is only true up to a certain point and after this the level of products formed e.g. carbon dioxide will begin to level off and gradually decrease which indicates that the rate of reaction has decreased.

The product formed as a result of the reaction, which is carbon dioxide accumulates as a waste product of fermentation in yeast and cellular respiration. Fermentation releases two molecules of the gas from the anaerobic degradation of glucose, as well as two molecules of ethanol plus usable energy for cell function. Cellular respiration, an aerobic process, liberates six molecules of carbon dioxide as well as several water molecules and energy. More energy is released by cellular respiration than by fermentation because glucose is completely oxidized in the process. Thus, carbon dioxide is a waste product of the energy-releasing mechanisms of the cell. Carbon dioxide is an indicator of the rate of substrate degradation. More carbon dioxide will be released as the rate of cellular respiration increases.

Enzymes catalyse reactions by lowering the activation energy for the reaction. Enzymes are made from protein and are specific as to which substrate they work on. In order for this to happen the enzyme forms a complex with the substance or substrates of the reaction. An enzyme molecule is globular and very large but only a small part of it, the active site, is involved in the reaction. In order for this to happen the shape of the active site has to match that of the substrate molecule. The reaction then takes place as the substrate molecule fits in and is then held there until the reaction is complete. The product can then be released and the enzyme is then ready to take part in another reaction. This is known as the lock and key hypothesis. The active site has a distinct Shape e.g. like a lock. Just as only the right 'key' will fit a lock, so only the right substrate has the right shape to fit into the active site.


The enzyme and substrate slot together to form a complex, as a key fits into a lock. In this complex the substrate is enabled to react at lower activation energy. Catalysts associate with reactant substrates and cause a redistribution of electron densities in the reacting substrates. The bonds that need to be broken in the reaction are weakened by the association with the catalyst. This makes the reaction occur faster because the weakened bonds are easier to break. The enzyme is usually very large compared to the reacting substrate. Enzymes have folds and creases and the reactant molecules fit into a definite location in these folds and creases. This may be due to bonds within it being deformed and stressed in the complex, so making them more likely to react. Once the reaction has been catalysed, the products are no longer the right shape to stay in the active site and the complex breaks up, releasing the products and freeing the enzyme for further catalytic action.

A zymase-complex enzyme will only bind with a glucose molecule to produce the ferments carbon dioxide and ethanol, which brings about the fermentation in my experiment. This ties in with the Induced Fit theory which states that the substrate cannot bring about catalysis and the reaction itself, but the active site, when it comes in to contact with the substrate slightly changes its shape to form an effective fit and arrangement of catalytic groups on its surface which brings about the catalysis reaction.
Yeast after activation creates the ferments carbon dioxide and ethanol by secreting the enzyme zymase (a complex of 12 enzymes) in the Yeast, which acts on the sucrose. Yeast have to make energy, stored as ATP to carry out all cellular functions. To do this they can respire both aerobically when there is plenty of oxygen, but where oxygen is short, they respire anaerobically doing this they are called partial anaerobes. This produces less energy, but keeps the Yeast alive. Pyruvic acid has to be broken down in respiration when formed by breaking down of glucose molecules, this can’t be done in the same way as it is aerobically when respiring anaerobically which is how the carbon dioxide and ethanol is formed through the zymase. Here is the equation for anaerobic respiration:

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                  Enzymes in cytoplasm

                          (Zymase complex)

Glucose     ----------------->     ethanol     +  carbon dioxide    +energy

C6H12O6                                 2C2H5OH                CO2            210 Kj/mole 

There is 2ATP from each respired glucose molecule - in aerobic there is 38ATP. 

Explanation of Glycolysis


Glycolysis is a nine step process, with carbohydrate intermediates at each step, that breaks a glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvic acid, and produces two molecules of ATP for use by the cell via substrate level phosphorylation and two molecules of NADH, a high energy electron carrier. Normally, NADH would drop its two electrons and H+ ...

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