Aim: To estimate the solute potential of a plant tissue.

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Solute Potential of Cell Sap of Plant Epidermal Cells

Aim: To estimate the solute potential of a plant tissue.


        It must be taken into account, that the experiments procedure was changed.  This could have had a great affect on the results.  The part of the procedure that was changed was the time.  Instead of the epidermal cells being left in the solutions 20 minutes, they were left for a day.  Not only, were they left much longer, but the molarity of the solutions could have also changed since they were left uncovered for over 24 hours and some of the water could have been evaporated.  Another factor that contributed to the errors in this investigation was that all of the data was approximated.  Every single cell that appeared in the microscope was not accounted for and therefore all collected data is not exact, but instead a rough calculation.  Another error that could have occurred, and that would explain what happened to the cells that were put in the solution with .4M, is that onion skin dried out before it was placed in the sucrose water.  Also, there could have been a variation between the different onion epidermis cells that were used.

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        The results of the investigation show that the greater the molarity, the more plasmolysed cells will appear.  Plasmolyses is the shrinkage of volume of a cell.  This is caused by the falling of water concentrations and ultimately results in the contraction of the membrane.  The most contracted membranes were found in epidermal cells that were left in the solution with the greatest molarity; in this case it was the cells that were left in the solution with a 1.0 molarity.  The graph shows a constant start.  It very quickly shoots up, with a huge leap from .6Mto ...

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**Results and conclusion only. This piece of work fails in many key aspects that are considered good practice at A level and the data collected cannot be considered to be valid due to problems with the methodology. To improve: There is no real attempt to provide a rationale for the choice of investigation in terms of its scope,and its relation to biological principles. The hypothesis should be stated and biological knowledge used to explain a prediction. Attempts to interpret the data are not linked to any researched information. The candidate needs to include carefully selected reference material to help inform the conclusion. There is no relevant biological background. The conclusion would be expected to refer to the water potential of the relevant solutions and discuss the movement of water molecules in the solution. No graph was included and the description of the underlying trends would be helped by the use of technical or scientific language. The solute potential of the cell sap needs to be calculated ( obtained from the graph at 50% plasmolysis) as this was the stated aim of the experiment. The analysis of the method reveals a catalogue of very poor planning. Detailed suggestions for improvements and extensions would have improved this section.