altering the enzyme concentration

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AIM: To investigate the effect of altering the enzyme concentration upon the rate of reaction. The enzyme used is amylase and its substrate is starch.

PLAN: For this investigation I am going to investigate how the concentration of amylase can effect the time taken for the starch to fully breakdown. I shall do this by varying the concentrations of my enzyme (amylase) while keeping the substrate (starch) constant throughout the reaction. I must also keep other variables constant throughout the experiment.  

Temperature is one very important variable that must be kept constant throughout the whole experiment. If not, there will be either an increase or decrease in rate of reaction which will cause a great impact on my results. If the temperature increases the amylase and starch molecules will begin to move faster due to kinetic theory. The molecules will then come into contact with each other more often and will cause an increase in rate of reaction. However, if the temperature increases too high it will cause the enzyme to denature, due to heat as enzymes only work best at about body temperature, and this will completely stop the enzymes working and therefore the breakdown of starch will also stop and thus causing the rate of reaction to stop and decrease.

The second most important variable that must be kept constant throughout the experiment is the substrate concentration. If this variable is, again, not kept constant I will have irregular results and the experiment will be unfair. I must keep the substrate concentration constant because the more substrate I add the faster the reaction as there will be more active sites available for the starch to be broken up in…therefore to keep my experiment fair and reliable I will use the same substrate concentration in every experiment.

The pH level must also remain constant just like the temperature as they both have a certain temperature or pH where they work best e.g. enzymes work best in neutral conditions. If there is a little bit of acid or alkali added to the reaction then the time taken for the substrate to break down will either increase or decrease! Therefore to keep the experiment a fair test I will need to keep the pH constant too.

I am going to control all of these variables so that my experiments will be accurate and fair.

Enzymes can be denatured at certain conditions. These conditions are high temperatures and extreme levels of pH. The bonds that hold enzymes together are quite weak and so are easily broken by the above conditions. When these bonds are broken the enzyme, along with the active site, is deformed. This is known as a denatured enzyme.

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An enzyme is a biological catalyst made up from protein. Catalysts are chemicals or substances that speed up a reaction, however they are not affected themselves whilst doing this. An enzyme has an active site, which has a unique shape into which a substrate of the exact unique shape can fit.

There is a carbohydrase enzyme in our saliva. It is called amylase. Amylase breaks down starch into sugar (glucose).


Starch                 Sugar

The reason why I believe that amylase and starch work best together ...

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