Am going to test the following insulators:- No Insulation Felt Cotton Bubble Wrap Cardboard

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                        Testing insulators

        My aim is to investigate and record the change in temperature when I change the insulator on a copper can for the duration of 10 minutes at one minute intervals.

I will be investigating which insulator is best this will be decided by which insulator has the highest temperature at the end of the experiment.


Heat energy can be transferred from one substance to another when they are in direct contact. The moving molecules of one material can increase the energy of the molecules of the other. The heat can also travel through a material as one molecule transfers energy to another one. This type of heat transfer is called conduction.

Conduction is mainly seen with solid objects, but it can happen when any materials come into contact, like when warm air is in contact with your skin.

Some materials are better conductors of heat than others. For example, metals are good conductors of heat, while a material like wood isn't. Metal heated on one end will soon be hot on the other end too, while that is not true with a piece of wood. Good conductors of electricity are often good conductors of heat.

Since the atoms are closer together, solids conduct heat better than liquids or gasses. This means that two solid materials in contact would transfer heat from one to the other better than a solid in contact with a gas or a gas with a liquid.


When a gas or a liquid is heated, hot areas of the material flow and mix with the cool areas. This type of heating is called convection. Forced air heating and air conditioning are examples of heating (or cooling) by convection.

This is an effective way of bringing a hot (or cold) fluid to a different area. Convection transfers heat over a distance faster than by conduction. But ultimately conduction must transfer the heat from the gas to the other object.

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A third method to transfer heat is by radiation. A warm or hot object gives off infrared electromagnetic radiation, which can be absorbed in another object, heating it up. Electric heaters with the shiny reflector use radiation to heat. If they add a fan, they use both radiation and convection to heat an area.

Transfer of heat by radiation travels at the speed of light and goes great distances, even in a vacuum. We are heated from the Sun through radiation transfer of heat.

Sources of heat energy

Molecules can go into high-energy motion, causing heat, from various ...

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