an experiement to test for anions and cations

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An experiment to test for anions and cations – qualitative analysis




The aim of the experiment is to test an unknown substance with a variety of experimental methods, by doing this the identity of the substance will be known.  The two types of different testing methods will be anions and cations.  Cations are positively charged ions; this is because the atom looses an electron during a reaction, therefore having fewer electrons than protons.  Anions are negatively charged ions, as the atom gains an electron during a reaction, therefore having more electrons than protons.

An ion is an atom or molecule that either has gained or lost either one or more electrons, resulting in a positive or negative charge.  The concept of atoms loosing or gaining electrons is known as ionic bonding.  Meaning that when an atom of a single element offers electrons to atoms of another element a bond is formed. 


By observing any chemical changes in the experiment (for example, colour change, precipitate formation or expelling of gas), it should be easy to identify the unknown substance. A chemical change is when a new substance is produced for example the burning of magnesium metal in oxygen to produce magnesium oxide.  It is an irreversible reaction, meaning that it is impossible to reverse the reaction back to how it originally was.



It is to be expected that it will be possible to identify each unknown cation and anion by various testing methods.

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Testing for cations

(Substance I)


  1. A small spatula of substance I was added to a test tube, along with distilled water filling half of the test tube. 
  2. Using a Bunsen burner the test tube was placed into a blue flame to help it dissolve, and was then allowed to cool. 
  3. A clean test tube was taken and 1/3 of the solution was added to it, along with 5 drops of dilute sodium hydroxide. 
  4. No precipitate was formed, so the test tube was placed back into ...

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