An experiment to find the strength of five Household Acids And Alkalis.

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Chemistry Coursework Experiment Thomas Temple 10i

An experiment to find the strength of five Household Acids And Alkalis.


In this experiment I hope to find out the strength of three household alkalines and two household acids.


I plan to do this by using the theory of neutralisation. Neutralisation is when an Alkalae neutralises an Acid or vice-versa. Neutralisation happens when Hydrogen Ions from the acid react with the Hydroxide Ions from the Alkalae to form Water.

H + OH H O

(aq) (aq) (l)

Acid + Alkalae Water (Neutral)

The reason that this reaction works is that Acids give away Hydrogen Ions where as Alkalaes take them, and without this, neutralisation couldn't happen. So the Alkalae takes the Hydrogen Ions From the Acid so the Alkalae now has two Hydrogen Ions joined to one Oxygen Ion, which is left over from the Alkalae and this is called Water ( H2O ) which is neutral ( Ph7 ).

In this experiment I shall be using alkalines to neutralise the Acid and acids to neutralise alkalines. Bases are chemical opposites of Acids and they are often called Antacids ( against Acids ). They can neutralise Acids as I have explained above by the theory of neutralisation. This ability to neutralise Acids is extremely useful. Bases are used in many household agents from indegestion medicine to oven cleaner. They are used in things like oven cleaner because they can dissolve grease and dirt and they are used in things like toilet cleaner because they kill germs and bacteria. All of the 5 household agents that I will be using in this experiment are , toilet duck , bathroom cleaner , kitchen cleaner , carpet cleaner and window cleaner.
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Despite their usefulness Acids and Alkalis are, potentially very dangerous and this brings me to the point of this experiment. All of the Acids and Alkalis used in household agents are quite strong, obviously some are stronger than others. So they are obviously very dangerous, especially if swallowed or spilt in eyes. In this experiment I hope to find out how strong the acids and alkalis are by trying to neutralise them with either Acids or Alkalines .

To find out which are the strongest agents I am going to conduct a simple experiment using my knowledge ...

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