An Investigation into the affect of the concentration of the enzyme Neutrase on a solution of Marvel (dried milk powder).

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Hannah Lawson-West

Biology SC1

An Investigation into the affect of the concentration of the enzyme Neutrase on a solution of Marvel (dried milk powder)


Neutrase is an enzyme. Enzymes are biological catalysts which means they speed up the reaction rate of substrates by up to a million times. They are made of protein (chains of amino acids which are folded into complex shapes) and are sensitive to pH and temperature. Enzymes only work on substrates. Different enzymes break down different food and the enzyme neutrase breaks down marvel (dried milk powder).  

A main part of the enzyme is the active site. The active site is shaped to fit its substrate. The substrate fits into the active site like a key into a lock.

pH affects the enzymes because each enzyme has an optimum temperature. The reaction would be slower is the pH was further than the optimum pH. Denaturing often occurs when the pH is too far apart from the optimum pH.

Another key issue that changes the reaction rate of the enzyme is its temperature conditions. The optimum temperature is around 45°C. If the temperature is too high then collisions are so often occurring that the enzyme is damaged, often denatured. Whereas if the temperature is too low the reaction does still occur just slower as the collisions aren’t hard enough.

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        Protein                                                     Amino acids

        (Cloudy)                                                     (Clear)                                                

All this information was gathered from class work notes and preps.

Experiment Brief

Input variables

Outcome variables

Time taken for the marvel to become clear

Preliminary Experiment

How I will make my investigation a fair test


Diagram of Apparatus


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