An investigation into the effect of temperature on the activity of enzyme catalase.

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Assessed Practical

Name: Behrooz Khoshooee

Student Number: 283644

Biology, December 2005


An investigation into the effect of temperature on the activity of enzyme catalase.


We will try to demonstrate the effect of temperature on the activity of enzyme catalase and how this would affect the rate of activity.


Increasing temperature would increase the active energy in molecules and it would increases the rate of reaction. However too high or too low temperature would denature the enzyme and resulting in lowering rate of reaction and maybe no reaction at all.


Filled 15 test tubes with 5 cm depth of hydrogen peroxide. Used ice bath to take these tubes to the required temperature under the room temperature. Boiled a beaker of water and used it as water-bath to achieve the required temperature more than the room temperature. These temperature were 1, 10, 29 (Room temperature), 45 and 60.

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Filled another test tube with water which it will be used for counting the bubbles.


Once the required temperature was achieved, 5 disks of potato (each cut to 2mm) were added to test tube. Attached the delivery tube to the tube with hydrogen peroxide and potatoes and the end of delivery tube was in the tube filled with water earlier (Figure 1). Counted the number of bubble for the duration of one minute and recorded the number. Did the same thing three times for each temperature.

Figure 1

Result and Diagram:


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