An investigation into the effect of temperature on the permeability of cell membranes

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An investigation into the effect of temperature on the permeability of cell membranes


        All plant cells have a cell membrane, as shown in the simple diagram of a plant cell below:

        Plasma membranes have an external layer of proteins that hold the lipid molecules in a fairly rigid arrangement. Protein lined pores account for the most part of the cells permeability. This structure of a cell membrane is showed below:

        The cell (plasma) membrane is very important, it controls what enters and exits the cell. It acts as a selective barrier between the internal and external fluid. This process supplies the cell with raw materials and removes waste products. Normally, this done by diffusion. Diffusion is based on differences in concentration. It spreads the substances from high concentration to low concentration.

Various things can diffuse through the membrane for example, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ions and water molecules (through osmosis). The molecules move in a random motion, which leads to the equilibrium of each concentration. Some of the membrane is permanently open whereas others open and close, for example those that control the intake of ions. The rate of diffusion is dependent on the surface area.

        The cell membrane also uses the process o active transport, which requires proteins with the aid of cell energy. A possible way of doing this is sown below:

It is a carrier protein that rotates, transferring substances from inside the call to outside the cell.

        A number of things can affect the permeability of a cell membrane, for example pH and temperature. The later is what I will be investigating in this experiment. When a plasma membrane is exposed to these conditions the membrane loses it the extent of its selective permeability. This happens because when it is exposed to high enough temperatures the protein cells are denatured this makes them lose their shape and exposes holes in the lipid layer. Therefore substances can pass in and out freely. In this experiment I wish to discover at precisely at what point this takes place.

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        The aim of this experiment is to either or both the cytoplasm and the cell wall of a plant cell are selectively permeable, to discover at which temperature the permeability of the cell membrane is affected and how much it is affected.

Pilot study

        Before doing the actual experiment I did a pilot study to make the final decisions as to the temperatures I was to use, the amount of beetroot and ...

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