An Investigation on the Effect of Enzyme Concentration on rate of hydrogen peroxide breakdown.

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Sean Fang 12SD

An Investigation on the Effect of Enzyme Concentration on rate of hydrogen peroxide breakdown



The aim of this investigation is to study how the rate of reaction i.e. rate of substrate breakdown. is affected by varying the concentration of the enzyme.

The enzyme that is used in this investigation is catalase, which is sometimes referred to as peroxidase. The substrate is hydrogen peroxide.

Celery extract is used in this investigation to provide the catalase, and a solution of hydrogen peroxide will have been prepared beforehand.

Background Knowledge
  • Introduction

Our liver has the vital function of detoxifying any poisons that may be absorbed with food or produced as a wasted product by the body itself. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one such example. This highly toxic chemical is a waste product of the deamination of amino acids in the liver. If the amount of hydrogen peroxide builds up to large amounts, the poisonous material can quickly kill cells. Therefore, the body needs a mechanism of breaking down harmful materials such as hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide will breakdown to harmless products without the use of enzymes. However, the reaction is so slow that levels would rapidly increase which would result in death of that organism. One method of rapid detoxification is the use of enzymes, these act as catalysts which greatly increase the rate of chemical reactions, therefore, maintaining a safe level of H2O2 in the body. The enzyme, catalase, is responsible for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide. Catalase has one of the highest turnover numbers for all known enzymes (40,000,000 molecules/second).  This high rate shows the importance for the enzymes capability for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide and preventing the formation of carbon dioxide bubbles in the blood. 

The liver contains many different types of enzymes, including catalase, each capable of breaking down one type of poison.

This is the reaction that takes place between the substrate and the enzyme:


                                     2H2O2                                 2H2O + O2

    The effect of catalase on hydrogen peroxide has already been observed in a previous experiment where a small piece of kidney, used to provide the catalase, was reacted with hydrogen peroxide.

The result was large amounts of effervescence with large and increasing amounts of foam produced on top of the reaction mixture. The gas produced was collected and when a glowing splint was introduced it was relit. This established that the gas produced was oxygen, therefore, confirming the equation stated above.

  • The action of enzymes

Enzymes are globular proteins and are biological catalysts which means that they are not transformed in the reaction. Enzyme molecules have a special feature in that they possess an active site. The active site of an enzyme is a region, usually a cleft of depression, to which another molecule or molecules can bind. This molecule is the substrate the enzyme. The shape of the active site allows the substrate to fit perfectly. The substrate is held in place in the active site by temporary bonds which form between the substrate and some of the R groups of the enzyme’s amino acids.

Enzymes operate on a “lock and key” mechanism where one type of enzyme will only act on one type of substrate. This is because the shape of the active site only allows one shape of molecule to fit. The enzyme is said to be specific for this substrate. When the substrate enters the active site of the enzyme, the two molecules form a temporary structure called an enzyme-substrate complex. The enzyme may catalyse a reaction in which the substrate molecule is split into two or more molecules – catabolic. Alternatively, it may catalyse the joining of two molecules, as when making a dipeptide – anabolic. When the reaction is complete, the products leave the active site. The enzyme itself is not altered in any way and is therefore ready to receive another substrate molecule/s. The diagram below shows the action of enzymes.

  • Activation energy

Enzymes are catalysts and increase the rate of reaction by lowering the activation energy of the reaction. This is the energy required to be entered in to the system in order for the reaction to take place. Most reactions which happen in the body require activation energy, without enzymes, these would take place extremely slowly. One way of putting energy into a system i.e. the body, is to heat it. Previous experiments has shown that reaction rates can be increased by heating the reactants. The temperature of the body is maintained at approximately 37°C, however, even at this temperature most substrates still do not have the activation energy required to turn into products. Enzymes are the solution as they lower the activation energy required for substrate to turn into product and as a result, the reactions now occur quickly and efficiently.

 1 – see bibliography


  • Variables

The factors below all affect the rate of reaction:



        enzyme concentration

        substrate concentration

Under conditions of constant temperature, every enzyme functions most efficiently over a narrow pH range. There is an optimum pH at which the enzyme will operate best, it is usually neutral or slightly alkaline, however, some enzymes work in very extreme pH. Such as pepsin which operates in very acidic conditions in the stomach. When the pH is altered above or below the optimum value, the rate of enzyme activity diminishes. Changes in pH alter the ionic charge of the acidic and basic groups that help to maintain the specific shape of the enzyme. The pH change leads to an alteration in enzyme shape, particularly at its active site. If extremes of pH are encountered by an enzyme then it will deform, and is said to have been denatured. This means that substrate molecules will be unable to fit into the changed shape of the active site, therefore preventing the enzyme from catalysing the reaction.

Heating a substance means giving the molecules in that substance kinetic energy and hence increases molecular motion. Heating a solution containing enzymes results in increased speed at which the enzyme and substrate molecules travel. Thus the reactants move more quickly and chances of their bumping into each other are increased. As a result, there is a greater probability of a reaction being caused. The temperature that promotes maximum activity is referred to as the optimum temperature. If the temperature is increased above this level then enzyme activity will actually decrease. This is because the molecules which make up the enzyme, which is a protein, gain so much kinetic energy and vibrate with so much vigour that they break the hydrogen bonds holding the molecules together in the secondary and tertiary structures. This leads to the alteration of the very precise shape of the enzyme and more importantly the active site, the enzyme has been denatured. Therefore, the substrate molecule is not able to fit into the active site and enzyme activity is dramatically lowered.

Provided that the substrate concentration is maintained at a high level, and other conditions such as pH and temperature are kept constant, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to the enzyme concentration. Suppose that there is an infinite number of substrate molecules, addition of enzymes means that more active sites are available and hence more substrates can react at any one time therefore increasing the rate of reaction. The graph below shows how rate of reaction alters with increasing concentration, the direct proportionality of the two factors is shown by the straight line intersecting the origin.

For a given enzyme concentration, the rate of an enzymatic reaction increases with increasing substrate concentration. The theoretical maximum rate is never quite obtained. However, there comes a point when any further increase in substrate concentration produces no significant change in reaction rate. This is because at high substrate concentrations the active sites of all the enzyme molecules at any given moment are all filled with substrate molecules, there is said to be saturation of active sites. Thus any extra substrate has to wait until the enzyme-substrate complex has dissociated into products and free enzyme before it may itself complex with the enzyme. Therefore, at high substrate levels, both enzyme concentration, and the time it takes for dissociation of the enzyme-substrate molecule, limit the rate of reaction. The graph below illustrates the effect of substrate concentration on the rate of an enzyme controlled reaction.

Controlling the variables

To ensure that only the independent variable, the concentration of the celery extract, is varied during each experiment, the other variables will be kept constant.

As a result, the dependent variable, the rate of reaction will only be affected by the concentration of enzyme and will not be altered due to any other factor. Thus measuring the relationship between the dependent and independent variable as accurately as possible.  Below are the steps that I will take to ensure that this is the case:

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        pH – all hydrogen peroxide used in the experiment is taken from the same batch. Also, the concentration of the hydrogen peroxide is a controlled variable which means that its pH will remain constant throughout the whole investigation.

However, the concentration of celery extract will vary for each set of experiments. Preliminary investigation revealed that celery extract has a pH of 7; neutral. This resolved the problem as for concentrations of celery extract below 100%, water was added to make up the volume, which also has a pH value of 7. Therefore, adding water to celery extract will cause ...

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