An investigation to find out about the features of mitosis in the root tip of garlic (allium)

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Robert Henderson 12D2                                          -  -

An investigation to find out about the features of mitosis in the root tip of garlic (allium)


        I have performed an experiment aiming to find out whether or not there are any defining characteristics in the mitosis cycle of a garlic root tip (or area of cell division). Mitosis is an essential part of any organism with eukaryotic cells life because it is how the organism grows and repairs itself. Mitosis is not required in some prokaryotic organisms such as bacteria because they divide by a process called binary fission where the D.N.A is attached to the cell membrane and duplicates itself and is pulled apart when the new cell splits from the old one. The process is very complicated because it requires the cell to split the duplicated D.N.A (which forms pairs of chromatids connected by the centomere called chromosomes) into exact pairs or one cell will have more of a gene than it is supposed to and can this can lead to problems.

        There are four stages or phases in the process of mitosis, they are named and what can be seen is described below

  • Prophase – The D.N.A coils up to become chromosomes, the nuclear envelope disappears and centrioles duplicate themselves.
  • Metaphase – The chromosomes line up across the equator (centre) of the cell and the centrioles move to opposite poles of the cell
  • Anaphase – The centrioles release microtubules (spindle fibres) and then they attach to the centomere of each chromosome and pull them apart into the chromatids.
  • Telophase – The chromatids are now at opposite ends of each cell and the cell then forms nucleuses around the chromatids, the cell then divides, (sharing the cytoplasm equally so both cells have enough of each type of organelle). The process is then complete

In my experiment I recorded the amount of times I saw each phase of mitosis for 50 cells, I then recorded another 9 sets of results (from people in the class) so in total I had 500 cells and what stage of mitosis they were each in. I recorded my results in table 1.

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Risk assessment

In the experiment there were many risks which needed to be addressed so therefore I made a risk assessment table (shown below) in order to keep record of these risks and show how I minimised the risks. I organised the table in a hierarchical layout with what I believed to the greatest risk/danger at the top and the lowest risk at the bottom.

Table 1 – A table showing the raw data from 10 sets of results and an average amount found

        I have also put my results into a pie chart ...

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