ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate.

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ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate and is the immediate supply of energy for biological processes. The ATP consists of an organic nitrogenous base, Adenosine, which is one of the four bases found in a DNA strand, it also consists of a ribose sugar with three phosphates joined by high energy bonds. The energy itself is stored in the form of high-energy chemical bonds; this energy is released on hydrolysis, i.e. by the reaction with water, in a similar way peptide bonds are hydrolysed in proteins. ATP is adapted to is highly suited to its function and role within living organisms as it is easily broken down and is thus a store for immediate energy; it is also a small molecule and can easily move around cells and through membranes.

        The production of ATP is usually associated with two principalities including respiration and mitochondria. It is common knowledge that respiration, which happens in all living organisms, produces energy and is expressed by the equation of:

Glucose + Oxygen         Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

Respiration can be, aerobic, occurring in an oxygenated environment or anaerobic, occurring in oxygen lacking environments. The latter producing 2 molecules of ATP and the former producing between 36- 38 ATP molecules. The energy released from the respiration of glucose is used to add inorganic phosphate to ADP, producing ATP. This is achieved by glycolysis, krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation which are cumulatively known to be involved in aerobic cellular respiration. As we shall see, this process makes use of co-enzymes such as ADP and Dehydrogenases such as NAD+.

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        Glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell and involves the production of 2 molecules of pyruvate which occurs when glucose undergoes phosphorylation, lysis and then oxidation, yielding pyruvate and 2 molecules of ATP along with 2 molecules of reduced NAD. In aerobic respiration only the reduced NAD generated here enters a mitochondrion and goes into the electron transport chair where it is used to generate 6 molecules of ATP. Hence, the net ATP produced from glycolysis are 8 molecules of ATP. 

        The next stage is krebs cycle which occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria, the resulting product from oxdative ...

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*** There are lots of good points made in this essay, but there are also several quite fundamental misunderstandings, some of which are a little worrying. This essay would be significantly improved by some diagrams: the structure of ATP and the Krebs Cycle especially.