Bradford Museum of Film and Photography

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Bradford Museum of Film and Photography

Our physics group went on a trip to the Bradford Museum of Film and Photography to find out more about physics.  We went to find out about new ideas of physics and also to reinforce ideas we had already covered in class.  The areas of physics we were going to focus on was the use of light and lenses and the way they are used in everyday products.

At the museum we visited an area called The Magic Factory, which was all to do with the ideas and applications of physics.

At the museum an exhibit, which interested me, was the pinhole camera exhibit.



 This is because it gave a very clear image of the clock tower in the distance through a tiny little pinhole using a converging lens.  There was a few different options you could choose to test how a pinhole camera works, there was the option to use a bigger hole which gave a very blurred image of the clock tower and there was also an option to use three pinholes at the same time which gave an image which showed the clock tower overlapping each other three times.  The small pinhole however was the most successful to view a sharp image on the screen the image is upside down due to the converging lens. In a pinhole camera the smaller the hole is the sharper image however this has limitations as the sharper the image the less light there will be and the image wont be as bright.

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 A pinhole camera can also be used to create photographic images.  If light sensitive film is left in the camera and the camera  left focusing on one image then after a while a black and white image will develop itself on to the film.  This is therefore a very crude way of taking a picture.  It can also be used to take pictures of outer space as it picks up the light and can show the placement of stars.  I myself have used this method to produce an image of a solar eclipse on to a piece of paper so ...

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