Chemistry Coursework: Investigating the effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction

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Pritesh Mistry 10H 20/5/01

Chemistry Coursework: Investigating the effect of Concentration on the Rate of Reaction

In the investigation that I am going to do I am going to try and find out how the rate of reaction is affected by different concentrations of acid, ranging from 1M to 2.5M.


The variables in this experiment will be the concentration of the acid. The surface area of the marble chips could also be a variable, but not to such an extent because this is only variable as there is no accurate way in measuring the surface area of the marble chips. In this case the key variable being the concentration of the acid. The elements that will be kept constant will be temperature (kept at room temperature), the size and weight of the marble chips, the volume of acid, and the time intervals at which the results will be recorded (10 secs).


I predict that if you increase the concentration of the acid then it will increase the rate of reaction. The reason for this is that in a more concentrated acid there are more acid particles, which means more successful collisions, which results in a faster reaction. For example a 2M acid will go twice as fast as a 1M acid because there are twice as many acid particles. If there are twice as many acid particles, this means that there will be twice as many collisions, therefore doubling the pace of the reaction meaning the reaction is more reliable. I also predict that the size and surface area of the marble chips will also have an effect on the rate of reaction, because in theory the smaller the marble chips the larger the surface area, which gives a faster reaction. My main prediction is that the 2.5M acid will react the quickest, then the 2M acid, then the 1.5M acid, and finally the 1M acid.


Labelled Diagram


* Bowl (filled with water)

* 2 Measuring Cylinders

* Stopwatch

* Boling tube (with a rubber tube attached to it) & Bung

* Test tube Rack

* 30cm3 Hydrochloric Acid (1M, 1.5M, 2M, 2.5M)

* Medium sized marble chips (weighing 2.4g - 2.6g)


Firstly all the apparatus will be set up according to how the investigation will be carried out. Next we got groups of 5 medium sized marble chips and weighed them, as we had chosen to have the weight of them at 2.4g - 2.6g, we tried to find the same sized amounts of chips at the same weight. After that we poured 30cm of 1M acid into the boiling tube, and put the rubber tube of the boiling tube into the bowl of water, and put it into the measuring cylinder, which was full of water. After that, we put the marble chips into the boiling tube of acid, covered it with a bung, and started the stopwatch. After this every ten seconds we took a record of how much gas had been produced, this was done by looking at how much water had been bubbled away from the measuring cylinder. We carried on taking results every ten seconds for the next three minutes or until all the acid had been reacted. When all this had been done, we repeated the above, another 2 times making it three times in total, so that we could take an average of the three, to give a reliable result. When this had been done with the 1M acid, we moved onto the 1.5M acid and did everything above three times, then did the same for the 2M acid, and then for the 2.5M acid.
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The investigation was made fair by using all the same apparatus for all the acids, and using the same time intervals, as well as the same marble chips, and acid. There wasn't really a great deal needed to make the investigation safe, except that quite a strong acid was used, but when it was used it was used safely.

Preliminary Work

The rate of a reaction is found by measuring the amount of a Reactant used up per unit of time or the amount of Product produced per unit of time: -



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