Chromatography experiment.

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Chromatography Experiment

by Emma Walters


To identify different unknown amino acids, within given substances.


List 1                                                              List 2

Diagram 1:

Diagram 2:

Method (Part 1):

  • Cut 2 strips of paper chromatography using tweezers and scissors while resting on paper towel
  • Measure 1cm from bottom of strip and draw a line across
  • Draw a cross in the centre of this line
  • Attach a pin to the top of the chromatography paper, and put pin in bung
  • Place inside test tube, and measure 5mm from where the bottom of the paper lies, draw a line across the test tube
  • Do the same with both strips
  • On the cross put 10 drops of a known amino acid, wait for each drop to dry in between
  • On other strip put 10 drops of unknown amino acid
  • Pour paper solvent into both test tubes up to line drawn
  • Put bung in both test tubes, let solvent work its way up chromatography paper
  • When near top of paper, take out, and draw line across where solvent has reached.
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Method (Part 2):

  • Place TLC on paper towel, draw line across at 1cm from bottom
  • Draw 2 crosses each ¼ way across line
  • On 1st cross put 10 drops of treated orange juice, letting each drop dry in between
  • On second dot put 10 drops of untreated orange juice
  • Pour TLC solvent into bottom of jam jar
  • Using tweezers place TLC into jam jar
  • Let TLC soak up solvent
  • When nearly at top take out and draw solvent line across

Method (Part 3):

  • Take the results of method part ...

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