Comparing the denaturation rate of fungal and bacterial amylase.

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Comparing the denaturation rate of fungal and bacterial amylase.


Amylases are widespread enzymes which hydrolyse starch to

maltose. They are often found in two forms,  amylase which

degrades starch molecules into fragments 10 glucose residues long

and ® amylase which breaks down these into

maltose made up of two glucose molecules. Both work by hydrolysis

adding one molecule of water across the glycosidic link.


My hypothesis is that bacterial amylase will work more efficiently at

higher temperatures than fungal amylase.

Both bacteria and fungi use amylases in their basic method of


Bacteria are prokaryotes which means they are very small and have

no true nucleus. They are unicellular but occur together in vast

numbers as large groups or entirely separate cells. Being found

almost everywhere in air, soil, water and in living things they are of

great ecological and economic importance. Many bacteria cause

decay and with fungi, facilitate the recycling of nutrients.

Bacteria can grow well in a wide variety of conditions and whilst

temperatures of 25-450C are most favourable there is a very wide

range with some able to continue to grow slowly near to 00C and

others able to survive hot springs above 800C.

On the other hand fungi are eukaryotes which means they generally

have larger cells and have membrane bound organelles. Fungi

comprise the moulds, yeasts, mildews, mushrooms, puffballs and

rusts. They can be saprophytic, feeding on dead organic matter or

parasitic. Fungi consist of a fungal body, the mycelium which is made

up of fine threads called hyphae. In a specialised part of the

mycelium, spores are produced in vast numbers and dispersed.

Moulds which are multicellular fungi, grow best at temperatures of

about 300C, their growth is slowed at lower temperatures. In trying

to rid foods of moulds the food is heat treated at 60-700C. In

comparison bacteria are heat treated to 1000C or more before they

are killed off.

I suggest that because bacteria have a greater range of habitats and

seem able to survive in a wider range of temperature it is likely that

their amylases which form an important part of their feeding

mechanism will be more resistant to denaturation at higher


It is true to say that with any enzyme as the temperature increases

there is an increased kinetic energy of the molecules, causing more

collisions between the substrate and the enzyme molecules,

therefore increasing the rate of the reaction. However, after the

initial rise in the rate of the reaction, as the temperature continues

increasing, due to enzymes being made up of protein they are

adveresely affected by high temperatures often above 450C many

enzymes are denatured.

As the temperature rises the enzymes are progressively inactivated

so they can no longer catalyse the reaction. The actual process of

denaturation is the irreversible destruction of the tertiary structure

of the enzyme protein , changing its shape and eventually

destroying its active sites. Active sites are the specific region on the

protein molecule where the substrate binds to the enzyme and so

their shape is vital to the whole process  If this is changed the

substrate can no longer bind to the enzyme and activity quickly

stops.  Due to this fact, the highest temperature at which the

reaction is speeded up without at the same time inactivating the

enzyme is called its optimum temperature.

I am going to consider the effect of temperature on the activity of

the amylase enzymes from a fungus and a bacterium. When doing

this I think that I will need to consider not only the temperature of

the treatment of each enzyme but also the length of time of each

temperature treatment. If there are some differences between each

of the amylases I am going to test it could be due to differences in

the protein structure of each one. I plan to vary the length of time

that I treat each enzyme at each temperature to see if there are any

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Outline method

The presence of starch can be detected by a solution of iodine

dissolved in potassium iodide. This reddish-brown solution turns dark

UA007544 . Edexcel AS/Advanced GCE Biology and Human Biology Coursework Guide 27

blue-black when starch is present. I know from previous experiments

that this is an obvious result but it is not always easy to time the

exact point when all the blue-black colour has disappeared.

Key variables

Starch concentration must be the same for all experiments

Amylase concentration will be the same for all experiments

Amylase concentration will be kept the same for all experiments


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