Comparison between photosynthesis and respiration

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Comparison between photosynthesis and respiration

Photosynthesis and respiration are both processes that are necessary for the survival of organisms. However, in many ways these two processes are very different as they are responsible for contrasting necessities. Therefore they have both similarities and differences.

One major difference between the two is that photosynthesis occurs wholly in plants while respiration occurs in both plants and animals. This is because plants are autotrophic so have to produce their own food while animals are heterotrophic as they obtain food by consuming it in the form of other animals or plants. Plants produce their own food via photosynthesis and as animals do not need to produce their own food they have no need for photosynthesis. Both plants and animals require respiration because it is the process in which food is converted into energy in the form of ATP, which is used for many processes within all organisms.

Photosynthesis begins when a pigment molecule within a photosystem absorbs light energy which is then passed from one pigment molecule to another until a high energy electron is emitted which is used to reduce NADP. Therefore it appears that the process of photosynthesis begins with the presence of energy, in this case light energy. For respiration to begin ATP must be present as it is used to phosphorylate glucose to set off glycolysis. Two ATP molecules are needed for each glucose molecule as they both provide a phosphate group forming fructose bisphosphate after two phosphorylations. Therefore both photosynthesis and respiration require energy in order to begin the whole process. However, the form of energy is different as for respiration the energy comes in the shape of ATP rather than the light energy that is used in photosynthesis. ATP is actually used during photosynthesis but in a later stage. It is used during the Calvin cycle to produce triose phosphate and to recycle triose phosphate to form ribulose bisphosphate.

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Respiration and photosynthesis need coenzymes that can be reduced to carry hydrogen. In photosynthesis the coenzyme present is NADP which becomes reduced NADP when it accepts a hydrogen. This is used to oxidise glycerate 3-phosphate into triose phosphate which then proceeds to become glucose and then starch. In respiration two such enzymes are used; NAD and FAD. All of these coenzymes are used to transport hydrogen to where it is needed in the process.

A basic difference between the two is the actual reactants and products formed. In respiration the reactants are oxygen and glucose. The oxygen is ...

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