Design an Experiment to Determine the Effects of Copper Sulphate Concentration on the Germination of Broad Bean Seeds

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Laura Cloete

Design an Experiment to Determine the Effects of Copper Sulphate Concentration on the Germination of Broad Bean Seeds

Laura Cloete





The aim of this experiment is to determine what effect an increase in copper sulphate concentration will have on the germination of broad bean seeds.


A seed is a compact reproductive structure that develops from a fertilised ovule.  A seed contains an embryo plant and a food store; these are surrounded by a seed coat or testa.  The embryo plant consists of a root (radicle) and a shoot (plumule).  Food is stored in the seed leaves or cotyledons.

Fig 1: Structure of a Broad Bean Seed

Germination is the first step in the development of the plant outside of its seed coat and it involves 4 major processes namely, hydration, breaking dormancy, enzyme activation and mobilisation of reserves.

Hydration or imhibition occurs when a seed absorbs water and its metabolism resumes.  Water is absorbed into the seed by osmosis due to the build up of high solute concentration in the seed cells.  As the seed is impermeable, water enters through the micropyle; this is a small opening in the seed coat.  The seed can often double its mass within a few hours and this swelling causes the testa to burst.  This is important as it enables oxygen to enter the seed.

The action of water moving into the cell breaks dormancy and initiates metabolism by activating gibberellins.  Gibberellins are plant hormones, which stimulate growth in the embryo of a seed.  The embryo releases gibberellic acid and this travels towards its target tissue, the aleurone layer.  Here, the gibberellic acid acts as an inducer; it triggers the synthesis and secretion of α (alpha) and β (beta) amylase enzymes.  This is known as enzyme activation.

Fig 2: Path of Gibberellic Acid from Embryo to the Aleurone Layer

  • Red arrows show the passage of gibberellic acid from the embryo

The germinating seed requires large amounts of energy and because it is not capable of photosynthesis, the embryo uses the food reserves that are stored in the seed.  In the broad bean, the stored food is mainly starch.  Starch or amylose is a large and insoluble polysaccharide so it does not leave the cell and stays as granules in one area.  It is not immediately metabolised to release energy, but can be converted back into monosaccharides when it is needed.  As it coils up a large amount can fit into a small space.  Figure 3 shows the starch molecules (stained with iodine) stored in the cotyledons.

Fig 3: Storage of Starch in the Parenchyma of the Bean Cotyledon

The amylase breaks down the starch stored in the cotyledons of the seed into maltose.  This in turn stimulates the activation of the enzyme maltase, maltase hydrolyses maltose to glucose monomers.

The glucose is transported to the embryo where it can be aerobically respired to generate ATP.  The embryo then undergoes cell division and growth and the root or radicle grows out through the micropyle and the shoot or plumule grows up.  Roots are positively geotropic so the radicle grows downwards into the soil.  The tip of the root is protected by a slimy mass of loosely packed cells called the root cap and this prevents it being damaged as it grows down into the soil.   Seeds differ in the way in which the plumule grows, one difference is found between the seed of monocotyledons and dicotyledons.  In monocotyledons, the plumule is enclosed within a sheath, the coleoptile.  Dicotyledons, such as the broad bean, lack a protective coleoptile; their plumules often protect their delicate tips by curling into a hook shape as they grow through the soil. The whole process takes around 5 days.

Fig 4: Stages of Germination in the Broad Bean Seed

The radicle emerges from the seed first and in some definitions, this marks the end of germination and the beginning of establishment.

Further mobilisation of reserves supports the ongoing development of the embryo.

Since their food store is hydrolysed and their carbohydrates used in aerobic respiration, all seeds require water, oxygen and a suitable temperature to germinate.  

Water causes the seed to swell and splits the seed coat; it is also needed for the activation of hormones and enzymes, the hydrolysis of storage compounds, the transport of simple materials and metabolic reactions.

Oxygen is needed for aerobic respiration, without respiration no energy would be produced.  If there is no energy, metabolic activities cannot take place resulting in no germination.  

Enzyme activity requires optimum temperatures.  If the temperature is too high enzymes will be denatured and if the temperature is too low enzyme reactions will be very slow.

The plant resulting from germination will require nutrients for healthy growth.  They acquire these simple inorganic molecules in water taken up by the roots.  The main elements needed by plants are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, boron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum and copper.  These elements need not be pure but come from compounds of minerals.

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Plants need copper for processes such as, photosynthesis, respiration, protein synthesis, lignification of cell walls and the formation of pigments.  It is also part of the molecule of some enzymes and ethene receptors.  

Copper in plants is required in very small amounts; it is a trace element and accounts for 4-30 ppm (parts per million) of the approximate percent of dry weight in plants (Raven and Johnson 1999).  

Copper is found naturally in rock, either in its pure form or in compounds.  Human activity accounts for much of the copper found in air, soil, and ...

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