Determine how the substrate concentration affects the activity of catalase in hydrogen peroxide.

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Nisha Patel


Ms. Sharma

The aim of this experiment is to determine the substrate concentration affects the activity of catalase in hydrogen peroxide. Enzymes are biological catalysts; they are globular proteins and allow many chemical reactions to occur within the homeostasis constraints of a living system. Enzymes function as organic catalysts. A catalyst is a chemical involved in, but not changed by, a chemical reaction. Many enzymes function by lowering the activation energy of reactions. By bringing the reactants closer together, chemical bonds may be weakened and reactions will proceed faster than without the catalyst.

The shape of the protein determines the functioning of the enzyme. The arrangement of molecules on the enzyme produces an area known as the active site within which the specific substrate(s) will "fit". It recognizes, confines and orients the substrate in a particular direction. Many enzymes require the presence of an additional, nonprotein, and cofactor.

Some of these are metal ions such as Zn2+ (the cofactor for carbonic anhydrase), Cu2+, Mn2+, K+, and Na+. Some cofactors are small organic molecules called coenzymes. The B vitamins are precursors of coenzymes.

  • Thiamine (B1)
  • Riboflavin (B2)
  • Nicotinamide

Coenzymes may be covalently bound to the protein part (called the apoenzyme) of enzymes as a prosthetic group. Others bind more loosely and, in fact, may bind only transiently to the enzyme as it performs its catalytic act.

Hydrogen peroxide is chemical compound, H2O2, a colourless, syrupy liquid that is a strong oxidizing agent and, in water solution, a weak acid. It is miscible with cold water and is soluble in alcohol and ether. Although pure hydrogen peroxide is fairly stable, it decomposes into water and oxygen when heated above about 80°C; it also decomposes in the presence of numerous catalysts, e.g., most metals, acids, or oxidizable organic materials. A small amount of stabilizer, usually acetanilide, is often added to it.

Despite its power, H2O2 is a natural metabolite of many organisms, which decompose; they produce H2O2 into oxygen and water. H2O2 is also formed by the action of sunlight on water - a natural purification system for our environment. Consequently, H2O2 has none of the problems of gaseous release or chemical residues that are associated with other chemical oxidants. And since H2O2 is totally miscible with water, the issue of safety is one of concentration. Industrial strength H2O2 is a strong oxidizer and as such requires special handling precautions.

Catalase is an enzyme present in the cells of plants, animals and aerobic (oxygen requiring) bacteria. It promotes the conversion of hydrogen peroxide, a powerful and potentially harmful oxidizing agent, to water and molecular oxygen.

2H2O2       Catalase            2H2O + O2

        This reaction is performed by two types of reactions called oxidization (losing electrons) and reduction (gaining electrons). Each of the subunits in catalase uses the energy from electrons to decompose hydrogen peroxide. Catalase functions by the oxidization of Iron within its haem group (see images below).  Catalase functions by removing an electron from 2 molecules of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to form 2 water molecules (H2O) and 1 oxygen molecule (O2). In this reaction we know that energy is needed for it to happen, although we have enzymes these do not actually start the reaction but they increase the number of successful collisions among the molecules. However they must also collide with proper orientation, otherwise it will not be successful and the two molecules will just bounce off each other. This theory is known as the collision theory and is used to estimate how fast a reaction in the gas phase will occur if every collision between reaction partners results in the formation of products.

The basic mechanism by which enzymes catalyse chemical reactions begins with the binding of the substrate (or substrates) to the active site on the enzyme. The active site is the specific region of the enzyme, which combines with the substrate. The binding of the substrate to the enzyme causes changes in the distribution of electrons in the chemical bonds of the substrate and ultimately causes the reactions that lead to the formation of products. The products are released from the enzyme surface to regenerate the enzyme for another reaction cycle. The active site has a unique geometric shape that is complementary to the geometric shape of a substrate molecule, similar to the fit of puzzle pieces. This means that enzymes specifically react with only one or a very few similar compounds. The specific action of an enzyme with a single substrate can be explained using a Lock and Key analogy first postulated in 1894 by Emil Fischer. In this analogy, the lock is the enzyme and the key is the substrate. Only the correctly sized key (substrate) fits into the key-hole (active site) of the lock (enzyme). Smaller keys, larger keys, or incorrectly positioned teeth on keys (incorrectly shaped or sized substrate molecules) do not fit into the lock (enzyme). Only the correctly shaped key opens a particular lock.

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The study of the rate at which an enzyme works is called enzyme kinetics. Let us examine enzyme kinetics as a function of the concentration of substrate available to the enzyme.  This theory came from Michaelis-Menten. This applies to the experiment I am doing by varying the substrate concentration. At time zero, a fixed amount of the enzyme preparation was added. Over the next few minutes, the concentration of product formed was measured . Early in the run, when the amount of substrate is in substantial excess to the amount of enzyme, the rate we observe is the initial velocity ...

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