Determine what effect with an increase in the surrounding temperature has on the plasma membrane of a beetroot cell structure.

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                            An investigation into how the                                    

                   the temperature affect the

                        permeability of cell


This experiment aims to determine what effect with an increase in the surrounding temperature has on the plasma membrane of a beetroot cell structure.


The purpose of a cell membrane is to control the transport of substances moving into and out of a cell. The membrane is an extremely thin layer (8 to 10 manometers (nm)) thick, which is partially permeable. It consists mostly of lipids and proteins. The lipids found in cell membranes are phospholipids because they have one molecule of glycerol chemically linked to two molecules of fatty acids and a phosphate group.

Despite there are many differences in appearance and function, all cells have a surrounding membrane (called the plasma membrane) enclosing a water-rich substance called the cytoplasm. All cells have a variety of chemical reactions that enable them to grow, produce energy, and eliminate waste. Together these reactions are termed metabolism .

In the cells of a beetroot plant, a substance called anthocyanin is contained within the cell, inside the plasma membrane. It is anthocyanin, which gives the beetroot its characteristic blue/purple colour. If a cell is damaged in a beetroot plant and the membrane is broken, the anthocyanin 'bleeds' from the cells like a dye. It is this characteristic that can be exploited to test which conditions affect the integrity of the cell membrane.

Because I am experimenting with the effects of temperature on the membrane, i will place the samples of beetroot into a water baths of varying temperatures and measure the colour change in the water. Temperature is just one of the possible variables. Others include effects of poisonous substances such as alcohol  and/or various solvents. The dependant variable (DV) in this experiment is colour change in water caused by anthocyanin leakage.

       Temperature affects the permeability of cell membrane. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of molecules in the cell membrane increase, the collision frequency also increases, so the fluidity of cell membrane increases phospholipids spread out therefore more space in between them. Therefore more pigment inside the cell will leak out.  As temperature increase there is more space for red pigment to pass through the phospholipid bilayer.

The increase in temperature can cause the bond holding the tertiary or quaternary shape break, the protein become denatured. And because when the temperature increases there is an increase in the kinetic energy of the protein molecules. The protein can then vibrate more violently, which disrupting the week hydrogen bonds and ionic bonds. The shape of the protein changes temporarily or permanently. And it no longer performs its biological function.

At lower temperature, the red pigment can still passed out by diffusion. They pass through the channel protein. The protein is a polymer of amino acid. Different protein have different properties are because of the amino acids. Amino acid generally has amine group and carboxylic acid group. The only way which amino differs from each others is due to the R group bonded in the central carbon. The R group has 4 properties:

1) Acidic - if they have COOH, they ionised easily releasing hydrogen ions.

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2) Basic – NH2 group take up hydrogen ions from the solution.

3) Hydrophilic- they are polar e.g. amino acid with OH group

4) Hydrophobic-they are non polar amino acid with CH2 and CH3.

 These properties help the influence the shape and therefore the function of any protein they make up.

Model of a Cell Membrane



Output variable:

*these are controlled so they all keep constant


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